Mini-Circuits Test Solutions Page 1 of 7
LabVIEW Support - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 8-May-17
Using Mini-Circuits' PTE (Portable Test Equipment) with LabVIEW
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
.NET DLL ................................................................. 1, 7
32-bit ..................................................................... 1, 2
64-bit ..................................................................... 1, 2
ActiveX DLL ........................................................ 1, 3, 5
DLL ..................................................... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Error -2147221164..................................................... 5
Error -2147221231..................................................... 5
Error -3005 ................................................................. 4
Error Number ......................................................... 4, 5
Ethernet ................................................................. 1, 4
HTTP ....................................................................... 1, 4
Network ..................................................................... 4
USB .................................................................... 1, 4, 6
1. What control options are supported by Mini-Circuits' PTE in LabVIEW? ............................................. 1
2. Should I use the ActiveX or .NET DLL to Control Mini-Circuits PTE from LabVIEW via USB? ................ 1
3. How do I install the ActiveX DLL file for USB control? .......................................................................... 2
4. How do I install the .NET DLL for USB control? ..................................................................................... 3
5. How do I set the frequency compensation factor for power sensor measurements? ......................... 3
6. How can I control Mini-Circuits PTE over a network using LabVIEW? .................................................. 4
7. How do I resolve error number -3005 when selecting the DLL object? ............................................... 4
8. How do I resolve error number -2147221164 when running my program? ........................................ 5
9. How do I resolve error number -2147221231 when running my program? ........................................ 5
10. How do I resolve the error "An error occurred trying to load the assembly"? ................................ 7
1. What control options are supported by Mini-Circuits' PTE in LabVIEW?
Mini-Circuits' test equipment products can be easily controlled from LabVIEW via their USB or
Ethernet connections. Ethernet connections make use of LabVIEW's built in HTTP Client Vis whereas
USB connections require Mini-Circuits' ActiveX or .NET DLL files.
2. Should I use the ActiveX or .NET DLL to Control Mini-Circuits PTE from LabVIEW
via USB?
If you are using LabVIEW 2009 or later then we would recommend use of the .NET DLL since this does
not need to be registered in the Windows operating system, it can just be placed in the project folder
and refered to from within LabVIEW as a .NET class library. Earlier versions of LabVIEW may not
support .NET components so the ActiveX DLL should be used. The functionality exposed by the 2
DLLs is the same so either can be chosen from that point of view. Both DLLs are capable of being
used in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of LabVIEW.
Mini-Circuits Test Solutions Page 2 of 7
LabVIEW Support - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 8-May-17
3. How do I install the ActiveX DLL file for USB control?
1. The ActiveX DLL should be placed in the Windows system folder as below:
For 32-bit operating systems: C:\Windows\System32\
For 64-bit operating systems: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\
2. Run the Command Prompt in elevated mode by right-clicking on it and selecting "Run as
Figure 1 - Opening the Command Prompt in elevated mode (clockwise from top left, Windows XP, 7, 8 & 10)
3. Use regsvr32 to register the DLL in the command prompt:
For 32-bit operating systems type regsvr32 dll_filename.dll
For 64-bit operating systems type:
a. cd \windows\syswow64 (to move to the correct directory)
b. regsvr32 dll_filename.dll (to register the DLL)