Analog Dialogue 50-01, January 2016
An Engineering Walk Through
Virtual Eval
ADI’s Online Data Converter Product
Evaluation Tool
By Tom MacLeod and Jason Cockrell
Setting down your third cup of coffee, you pick up a pile of
specifications with a sigh. Today you face a familiar challenge:
Develop a next-generation platform that meets cutting-edge
requirements on an implausible timeline while remaining
within an unjustly slim budget, and do it all with a smile.
You must choose the right vendors for the project, and to
meet these ever more strenuous goals, you need vendors
that provide quality support alongside their core products.
Analog Devices rises to meet these expectations with such
support software as the Analog Filter Wizard and ADC
modeling tools. Now Analog Devices is taking the next step
with a comprehensive online product evaluation tool called
Virtual Eval. Virtual Eval employs detailed software models
to simulate crucial part performance characteristics without
the purchase of hardware. The overworked engineer can
configure a variety of operating conditions and device features
to establish custom use cases. The configuration settings are
dispatched to Analog Devices servers to kick off a simulation
job. Within seconds, the completed simulation results display
as graphs and performance metrics in the browser window.
Virtual Eval can solve a wide variety of design problems to
accelerate the product development cycle. The remainder of
this article covers two such problems out of many. In the first,
a data acquisition scenario, you must balance throughput rate
and noise performance to choose the right precision converter.
In the second, while working on a radio receiver, you need to
digitize some spectra with a minimum dynamic range require-
ment, while keeping overall system power low. In both cases,
Virtual Eval facilitates faster design decisions with greater
confidence through the use of online simulation.
Problem #1
Wading through the specification tome, the key requirements
slowly start to emerge:
• 4-channel signal acquisition, ±75 mV
• 18-bit performance or higher
• 50 Hz rejection below –40 dB
• Settling time of 50 ms, but faster is better
Spoiler alert! The Analog Devices AD7193 is the right part for
this job. The traditional method for making the correct part
selection is by utilizing the specifications in the product’s
data sheet to analyze the component’s performance under
various filtering and application conditions. There is a lot of
manual labor involved in this method and data sheets cannot
provide performance specifications for every possible combi-
nation of frequency selection and use case conditions of
interest to a wide variety of customers. What you really need
is an interactive tool like Virtual Eval to understand product
performance through custom simulations tailored to your
particular use case.
The first screen you see is the product chooser.
Figure 1. Product chooser.
Under Precision ADC, find the AD7193. One click loads the
evaluation session.
Figure 2. AD7193 functional block diagram.
The Functional Block Diagram view illustrates the layout
of the AD7193. Clickable components of the diagram reveal
the associated configurable settings in the accordion on the
left-hand side of the screen. Select the reference voltages and
observe a V
of 2.5 V. Then, select the PGA component, and
change the PGA gain from 128 to 32, allowing for an analog
input range of ±2.5 V/32 = ±78.125 mV. This satisfies the ampli-
tude specification. Finally, click the Run button at the top of
the Settings column. Remote servers run a collection of simu-
lations, and deliver the performance results back to the Virtual
Eval client.
Analog Dialogue 50-01, January 2016
The rejection at 50 Hz is now about –41 dB, which satisfies
the specification. There is no way to determine this from the
data sheet, since Analog Devices does not publish the formu-
las used to compute frequency rejection. Only an interactive
simulation allows the engineer to directly verify product
performance in particular scenarios such as this.
Switching back to the Waveform view reveals that the settling
time is just 40.103 ms due to the reduction in filtering, easily
meeting the specifications.
Problem #2
Your company’s new platform must digitize approximately
50 MHz worth of spectrum located at 354 MHz with 72 dB of
signal-to-noise ratio. Fast forward to a design choice to use
an RF ADC, the AD9680. It has a sampling rate of 1 GSPS, an
on-chip digital downconverter, and a flexible JESD204B serial
interface. Its data sheet is very detailed and thorough, but as
mentioned previously, it just cannot possibly address every
potential use case. Virtual Eval can, so you open it from the
AD9680 product page.
Select the High Speed ADC category and click on the AD9680.
Figure 6. Product chooser.
You are presented with the default Virtual Eval session start-
ing with the Functional Block Diagram view:
Figure 7. AD9680 functional block diagram.
To interpret the results, switch to the Waveform view using
the tabs near the top of the screen.
Figure 3. Waveform view.
The Results column contains dependent variables computed
in the simulation, such as noise and power characteristics. The
peak-to-peak resolution is 18.531 bits, which satisfies the speci-
fications; however, the settling time of 80.103 ms does not.
In precision converters, this settling time is a function of
the filter configuration. Switching to the H(f) Response view
gives insight into the filtering performance of the product.
Figure 4. H(f) Response view.
The specifications require –40 dB of rejection at 50 Hz, but the
actual rejection power is –131 dB! That surplus of rejection
can be sacrificed to improve settling time. To dial back the
filtering, select the ADC element in the Settings column, and
change FS from 96 to 48. To ensure there is still a zero in the
filter response at 50 Hz, increase the Averaging from 1 to 2.
Lastly, change the sinc order from 4 to 3 to save a little more
settling time. Then run the simulation again.
Figure 5. H(f) response modified.