Bourns 3D and SPICE Model Files
Riverside, California - October 26, 2012 - We are pleased to announce a new feature that has been
added to the Bourns website Data Sheet Search – Product Technology for access to 3D and SPICE
Model  les. Our customers, manufacturers’ representatives and distributor partners can now
search for a model or part number and the results will include a category of Engineering Files for
that inquiry where available, in addition to the Data Sheet result.
For example, a query for the model series TBU-CA returns a 3D Model  le in a STEP CAD
(.stp) format and three circuit simulation SPICE model  les (.txt) covering the TBU-CA025-100-WH,
TBU-CA065-200-WH and TBU-CA085-200-WH.
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Bourns 3D and SPICE Model Files
October 26, 2012
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New models will be added as they are generated. If you have any questions, please contact our
customer service teams in your region.