The Agilent7890B GC is the gold-standard instrument for the analysis of semivolatile
organic compounds (SVOCs) in high-throughput contract environmental laboratories
throughout the world. The performance of the 7890B GC has set the standard for the
analysis of SVOCs.
The AgilentIntuvo 9000 GC delivers the same high-quality performance as a 7890B
GC while providing advantages only attainable with the Intuvo 9000 GC including:
Fast cooldown to improve throughput
Easy column maintenance with clip-free columns
Protection of the column from matrix fouling with the Guard Chip
This Application Brief demonstrates the equivalency in retention time and analyte
response to the 7890B GC using the same instrumental conditions without the need
for method translation.
Instrument Methods
To demonstrate equivalency, the same instrument configuration and parameters were
used between the 7890B and the Intuvo 9000.
A mixture of 77 acids, bases, and neutrals at 20 µg/mL, and six internal standards at
40 µg/mL in dichloromethane was used.
Technology Advantage: AgilentIntuvo 9000 GC with
Agilent5977 MSD
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Information, descriptions and specifications in this
publication are subject to change without notice.
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2016
Published in USA, August 1, 2016
Results and Discussion
Figure 1 shows the normalized total ion chromatogram (TIC) for an injection of the
SVOC standard on the 7890B GC and on the Intuvo 9000 GC.
The chromatograms are virtually indistinguishable. The average difference in relative
retention time of the 77 target compounds is 0.0006 minutes, and the average
difference in response factors is 4.6 %.
If closely inspected, slight differences can be observed for the clusters of peaks
eluting at retention times around 12.5 and 16.5 minutes. These are attributed to small
differences in resolution as a result of normal variation in column performance, not
gas chromatograph performance.
Common 7890B and Intuvo 9000 GC/MS parameters
Parameter Value
Inlet Split/splitless 300 °C
Injection volume 1 µL
Pulsed splitless injection 60 psi to 0.5 minutes
Purge 50 mL/min at 0.5 minutes
Septum purge Switched flow mode
3 mL/min
Column AgilentDB-5ms UI 30 m × 0.25 mm, 0.5µm
Constant column flow 2 mL/min
Column temperature 40 °C for 2 minutes
20 °C/min to 260 °C
6 °C/min to 330 °C, hold 1.3 minutes
Agilent5977 MSD with inert ion source
Transfer line 330 °C
Source 330 °C
MS Quad 200 °C
Figure 1. Normalized TIC for the SVOC standard using an Agilent 7890B GC (A) and an Agilent Intuvo 9000 GC (B).
3.58.5 13.5
Time (min)
TIC Normalized response
18.5 23.5
Agilent 7890B GC
Agilent Intuvo 9000 GC
Time (min)
TIC Normalized response
18.5 23.5
The AgilentIntuvo 9000 GC provides
equivalent retention time and analyte
response using the same instrumental
conditions and method parameters
as the Agilent 7890B GC without the
need for method translation. For more
information on the analysis of SVOCs
using the Intuvo 9000 GC, refer to the
Application Note
1. Giardina, M. Analysis of
Semivolatile Organic Compounds
using the Intuvo9000 GC,
AgilentTechnologies Application
Note, publication number
5991-7180EN, 2016.