Using Tektronix AWG70000 series in
synchronous and multiple unit
Arbitrary Waveform Generators (AWGs) can be used in many types of applications as stand-alone generators, but there
are many applications that require the ability to generate waveforms relative to an external system trigger and or clock.
In these scenarios the user would like to have confidence that the AWG can output a signal or signals consistently in
relation to their system timing requirements. Also because there are limited output channels on a single AWG especially
when high sample rates are required, there is the need to synchronize multiple AWGs. To meet these requirements the
user needs to understand the AWG regarding the trigger and clocking specifications and also understand the external
configuration regarding how to set up the AWG in order to achieve maximum performance.
External triggering is one of the most important requirements when trying to synchronize to any system. Understanding
the characteristics of the AWG trigger and clocking system can be challenging so hopefully after reading this document
you will have a better grasp of the characteristics and how to use the instrument to solve your complex application
requirements. Let us first look at the block diagram of the clock and trigger system. Specifically the trigger portion.
Where the triggers control when a waveform starts to output, after the Play button has been pressed. A trigger event is necessary
when the instruments Run Mode is set to wait for a trigger event or in a sequence where triggers or events are used.
Let us now look at some of the specification that will be of interest.
Basically there are 5 methods of triggering:
1) Internal Triggering (repetitive from
1us 10sec)
2) External A and B Trigger (external
SMA input on rear panel)
3) Pattern Jump (external DIN
connector on the rear panel)
4) Manual Trigger (through the front
5) Using program control (using
program interface)
Notice the trigger system is synchronized to
the specific clock used.
Also notice that in the Slow triggering mode
(Synchronous) there is a divide by 80 from
the clock source. (this will be discussed