March 20, 2014
To: All customers using the LICAL-ENC-MS001 Encoder and LICAL-DEC-MS001 Decoder
Re: Product change notice
Dear customer,
Linx Technologies is announcing a change in operation of the LICAL-ENC-MS001 and LICAL-DEC-MS001.
For the LICAL-ENC-MS001 product starting with Lot Code 14xxxxx will no longer ship with a default address; the
manufacturer will need to create a random address manually prior to use.
For the LICAL-DEC-MS001 product starting with Lot Code 14xxxxx will no longer ship with an default address; the
manufacture will need to associate the decoder to appropriate encoder(s) using the learn process.
We are committed to working closely with our customers regarding this change. Please contact Linx Sales or
Customer Service should you have any questions or concerns.
Product Change Notice for LICAL-ENC-MS001 and LICAL-DEC-MS001
PCN #: LPCN-140320-1
Publish Date: March 20, 2014
Type of Change
Firmware operation change
Products Affected
Description of Change
Firmware change to remove default addressing
Reason for Change
Eliminate the ability to deploy systems utilizing default addressing
Effect of Change
Form: No change
Fit: No change
Function: remove default addressing from device operation
Quality: No change
Anticipated First Ship Date
Immediate, starting with lot codes beginning with 14xxxxx
Qualification Data
There is no change in form, fit, markings or part numbers
Last Time Buy Date
No formal last time buy date is established