Security is Most Important
In an unattended setting the card reader is the only
vetting tool to determine the authenticity of the card and
cardholder. EMV chip cards help, encryption secures,
but secure card reader authenticators are the only
technology that verify in real-time. MagTek hardware
coupled with Magensa Card Authentication services
can determine the authenticity of cards in real-time and
limit card fraud and nancial loss. MagTek hardware is
backed by the MagneSafe Security Architecture which
is comprised of encryption, authentication, tokenization,
and dynamic data. Securing customer data at the point
of transaction is a paramount responsibility. With no
“eyes on the device,” device authentication plays a
prominent role in securing the payment transaction.
Additionally, the sensitive card data can be encrypted
and/or tokenized and parsed and processed, protecting
customer data while minimizing PCI scope.
Services, Support, and Development
Magensa, LLC is a subsidiary of MagTek and serves
enterprises globally, to provide a wide range of
innovative tools and transaction processing services for
authentication, cryptographic security, and privatization
of sensitive data. Magensa’s encryption/decryption
services, payment gateway services, tokenization
services, remote services, and applications are used
by software developers, ISVs, and systems integrators
to bring their applications to market faster and more
securely. Magensa’s services and solutions are trusted by
commercial, retail, nancial and government enterprises
without compromise.
MagTek | Kiosk Solutions | Use Case
MagTek delivers custom and secure OEM kiosk solutions
Whether you refer to them as kiosks, vending machines, self-service terminals, or just unattended payment
terminals, MagTek OEM representatives work with you to create the custom solution you need. The MagTek
line of hardware, modules, and components coupled with secure Magensa Services create a MagTek Solution
unmatched in the industry for security, reliability, and exibility. Unattended Terminals open an opportunity to
increase your market, expand your business, deliver faster service, and improve customer interaction.
MagTek® Inc., 1710 Apollo Court, Seal Beach, CA 90740 | p 562-546-6400 | f 562-546-6301 | 800-788-6835 |
Meeting Standards and Expectations
Payment methods are advancing as innovations in
payments evolve. Concurrently, industry requirements
and standards are becoming more complex. These two
trends propel the need to advance security and upgrade.
Though the process of upgrading can be a challenge,
MagTek OEM devices are compatible with most legacy
systems, while also being able to support the latest in
card acceptance and industry compliance. The ability to
easily integrate MagTek’s hardware into the array of kiosk
solutions also provides convenience and efciency for
the developer. MagTek supplies easy access to SDKs and
APIs, and has in-house MagTek developers available to
provide support.
Increase your Market
The proliferation of unattended payment kiosks
promotes the development and deployment of new and
innovative kiosk payment options. Payment terminals are
ourishing, migrating into new aspects of everyday life –
from fast paced food ordering, outdoor petrol solutions,
bicycle rentals, electric car charging stations, etc. In
addition to the changes to current terminals, payment
solutions need to be even more customized. MagTek
hardware and Magensa services are created to fulll
that need. Kiosks and standalone unattended vending
machines can deliver 24-hour sales. Grow your business
by tapping into this kiosk, self-serve, and automated
check-out markets. Our OEM devices and components
can be integrated into a variety of designs.
MagTek | Kiosk Solutions | Use Case
MagTek, Inc | | Registered to ISO 9001:2015 © Copyright 2019 MagTek, Inc. PN D998200355 rev 10 12/19
Founded in 1972, MagTek is a leading manufacturer of electronic systems for the reliable issuance, reading, transmission and security of cards, checks, PINs and identication documents. Leading with innovation
and engineering excellence, MagTek is known for quality and dependability. Its products include secure card reader/authenticators, token generators, EMV contact, contactless and NFC reading devices, encrypting
check scanners, PIN pads and distributed credential personalization systems for secure magstripe and EMV enabled cards. These products are used worldwide by nancial institutions, retailers, and processors
to provide secure and efcient payment and identication transactions. Today, MagTek continues to innovate. Its MagneSafe Security Architecture leverages strong encryption, secure tokenization, dynamic card
authentication, and device/host validation enabling users to assess the trustworthiness of credentials and terminals used for online identication, payment processing, and high-value electronic transactions. MagTek
is headquartered in Seal Beach, CA.
Accept a Variety of Payment Methods
To remain market relevant, businesses must be prepared
to accept customer payment in a variety of form factors.
Not only is it imperative to accept the growing methods
of payment including NFC, EMV, contactless payment
offerings including Apple Pay, Android Pay, PayPass
– the hardware must be easy to integrate. MagTek
OEM devices provide that easy integration, positioning
businesses to succeed.
MagneFlex Application Development
MagneFlex drives the hardware, interfaces with the POS
app, and can issue the commands to pack, parse and
send the data out for processing. Whether you are on a
network client system or using a web-based app, there
is a MagneFlex tool for you. This simplies development
and certication and allows you to determine the best
ecosystem for each individual environment.
Reach into New Markets
Airline check-in terminals, self-serve stations, and
automated check-outs are just a few examples of the
burgeoning unattended kiosk market. By simplifying the
development process with MagneFlex, and incorporating
ready-to-use devices or components, you are positioned
to readily expand into these new markets.
Patient Friendly Healthcare
Healthcare is experiencing a proliferation of payment
offerings. The growing number of unattended kiosks
in this space demands unique OEM solutions. From
hospital check in standalone terminals to self-checkout
after services, medical facilities are using more
unattended solutions to simplify and ease patient hassles
and wait times. Magensa’s Encryption Service encrypts
sensitive patient data, as well as payment data. Utilizing
this robust processing service, data can be leveraged to
create and manage patient proles, secured behind the
lock of encryption, while parsing out payment data and
securely sending it out for payment.
Securing Consumer Banking
Automated teller machines are classic examples of
unattended terminals and require high security. In 2009,
Bank of Chile registered the magnetic ngerprints of
more than half a million cardholders. By the following
year, the fraud rate in its ATMs equipped with
MagnePrint had dropped to zero. MagTek's secure card
reading technology can identify in real-time whether
the physical card itself is genuine or a cloned copy,
eliminating fraudulent withdrawals, and the incentive to
skim in the rst place.
Outdoor POS and Petrol
Fueling station owners can take complete control over
their forecourt security with at-the-pump data encryption
and a Tamper Resistant Security Module (TRSM).
POS, in all Walks of Life
From kiosks in fast food/quick food chains, to free
standing cupcake dispensaries throughout shopping
malls, being able to accept payments at unattended
terminals is only growing; and the need to secure these
terminals is paramount. MagTek partners with you to
integrate credit card payments and convert point-of-
sale apps into complete payment applications for small,
medium, and large businesses alike.
Access and ID Verication
MagneSafe validates the relevance and integrity of the
cardholder data gathered by a swipe, dip or insertion of
a card. To know that the data is fresh, the reader itself
supports mutual authentication session management
and data integrity verication. This secures both the
logical and physical access users may need.
MagTek OEM Solutions team works with you to create the best custom solution. MagTek uses a consultative approach
when working with original equipment manufacturer developers and designers. MagTek understands that the products and
solutions created are only done through good working relationships coupled with premier hardware, accessible application
programming interfaces and software developer kits that make sense. Using a consultative approach, MagTek’s OEM team
will work with you to develop a solution that best ts your needs.