of the process, the sheer number of particles, and the
random geometry of their shape and size. When the
slurry dries, the receptor layer is sliced into strips and
applied to plastic cards, but the random pattern on the
magnetic media remains. This randomness introduced
during the manufacturing process cannot be controlled
or predicted or duplicated, but the PUF can be read.
This magnetic PUF is a classic example of a PUF using
implicit randomness. It is this property which assures
that a Qwantum card cannot be counterfeited or altered
without detection.
No Personally Identiable Information (PII)
Qwantum Cards or Tokens do not carry or emit machine-
readable Primary Account Numbers (PANs) or Personally
Identiable Information (PII). PANs and PII are hazardous
data. Qwantum cards have an optional number which
identies the card, but does not provide any information
related to the cardholder. In a pure Qwantum Card world,
there are no Names, no Account Numbers, or anything
that will betray consumer personal data. If numbers
and data exist on the card or token, it is merely to
identify the device itself. The encoded data identies the
token, the Qwantum data authenticates the token, and
possession of the unique token establishes ownership
and authenticates the User.
Qwantum Media is a division of MagTek that supplies Cards or Tokens, in various shapes and
materials. The devices cannot be cloned or altered, do not contain a PAN or sensitive data,
and provide Qwantum Authentication Codes.
MagTek | Qwantum Authentication Codes | White Paper
Physically Unclonable Functions
Qwantum cards are endowed with a Unique Magnetic
Particle Pattern which serves as a digital ngerprint.
Every high-coercivity magnetic stripe card carries a
Physically Unclonable Function or a PUF. In the world of
Quantum Physics, a PUF is a physical entity, embodied
in a physical structure that is easy to evaluate but hard
to predict. One major way that PUFs are categorized is
based on examining the source of the randomness or
variation, from which the PUF is derived. This source
of uniqueness is either applied in an explicit manner,
through the deliberate addition of extra manufacturing
steps (like a coating), or occurs in an implicit manner, as
part of the typical manufacturing processes.
All PUFs depend on the uniqueness of their physical
micro-structure. This micro-structure depends on random
physical factors introduced during manufacturing. These
factors must be unpredictable and uncontrollable, such
that it makes it virtually impossible to duplicate or clone
the structure.
A magnetic PUF is based on unique physical variations
which occur naturally during manufacturing. The physical
structure of the magnetic stripe applied to a card is
fabricated by blending billions of particles of barium
ferrite together in a slurry during the manufacturing
process. The particles have many different shapes
and sizes. The slurry is applied to a receptor layer. The
particle distribution is random, much like pouring a
handful of wet magnetic sand onto a carrier. To pour
the sand to land in exactly the same pattern a second
time is physically impossible due to the inexactness
MagTek® Inc., 1710 Apollo Court, Seal Beach, CA 90740 | p 562-546-6400 | f 562-546-6301 | www.magtek.com
Qwantumization is an enrollment process whereby:
1) the encoded data is frozen - Read only Technology
2) the Dynamic Data is enabled - Touch me - I change
3) the Root Qwantum Authentication Code (an
intermingling of the frozen data and the dynamic Data) -
RQAC is recorded
Where Qwantumization takes place
The best place to capture the Root Qwantum
Authentication Code is during manufacture or
personalization. Here, the Qwantum value is
authoritative because it was captured in a controlled
card issuing process. It’s also possible to capture
Qwantum Codes in the wild.
A Quantum equipped reader can pick up the Qwantum
Code, mark it as provisional, and send it to storage for
future use. When the pedigree of the code is undisputed,
the Qwantum Code can be elevated to the Root QAC.
The Qwantum Promise
If the card:
1. bears a Qwantum Logo
2. and has been registered by Magensa or MagTek
3. and receives a passing score in the Qwantum
Authentication Engine
4. and is actually counterfeit or the relying data has
been altered
MagTek will absorb the nancial loss due to the
fraudulent transaction*.
* Limits, terms, and conditions apply.
Qwantum Authentication Codes (QAC)
Qwantum Authentication Codes are based on the
principles of Quantum Physics. They morph with every
use. Literally, just touch the card and its Qwantum
output will change.
Qwantum Authentication Codes (QAC) are
Dynamic Digital Codes emitted by the Card
Derived from an underlying Magnetic PUF
As in Quantum Mechanics the Codes are
Used only once
Veriable by Quantum Correlation to the root QAC –
proven provenance
Qwantum Authentication Codes can be used like
a key to grant permission to
Download software
Access a building
Retrieve an API
Update a conguration
Open a door
Authorize a nancial transaction
Attest to an approved transaction
Inject a key
Install a certicate
Redeem points at POS
Obtain Rewards or Coupons
Any other use where “UserName and Password” is
insufcient. (There are too many to list)
The codes can be delivered directly from the card swipe or
delivered to a phone, tablet or PC from the Magensa HSMs.
Shortened QAC: Qwick Codes
Qwick Codes are a shortened version of a Qwantum
Code. Easy for a consumer to remember or enter, Qwick
Codes are an index or pointer to a valid Qwantum Code.
MagTek | Qwantum Authentication Codes | White Paper
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