Rev. 0.1 2/12 Copyright © 2012 by Silico n Laboratories AN669
1. Introduction
This application note describes how to configure and use the Keil µVision® Integrated Development Environment
(IDE) with Silicon Laboratories Precision32™ 32-bit microcontrollers (SiM3xxxx).
2. Key Points
Key points described in this application note include:
Generating a blank project in Keil µVision
Configuring a µVision project for use with Silicon Laboratories SiM3xxxx devices
Using the µVision IDE to build, download , ru n, and debu g a pr ojec t
Using the System Viewer Windows an d De bu g (Print ) Viewer
3. Creating a Project
A project is necessary in order to build an example and download the firmware image to the MCU. To create a
project in µVision:
1. Under the Project menu, select New µVision Project. After naming your new project, select SiLabs
SiM3x Devices in the Select a CPU Data Base File dialo g and click OK.
2. Expand the Silicon Laboratories data base to open a list of supported MCUs, select the appropriate MCU,
and click OK.
Figure 1. Selecting a SiM3x Device
After creating your blank project, there will be an empty project in the Project Window . The next step is to configure
the project optio n s.
2 Rev. 0.1
4. Configuring Options for Target
Specific configurations are required in order to communicate with the MCU using µVision. Some of the options are
preconfigured after selecting a device under the Device tab, but some modifications are required. This section
describes the required settings in all of the configuration tabs within the Project
Options for Target dialog; tabs
that do not require any changes are explicitly noted.
4.1. Target
Check the Use MicroLIB option in the Code Generation section.
Note: Adding the correct scatter file in "Section G: Linker" will override the options in Read/Only Memory Areas and Read/
Write Memory Areas on this tab.
Figure 2. Target Tab
4.2. Output
No changes needed on this tab.
Figure 3. Output Tab