PCR-LE2 series 1
PART NO. Z1-006-120, IB027733
Dec. 2014
Setup Guide
AC Power Supply PCR-LE2
Thank you for purchasing the PCR-LE2 Series AC Power Supply.
The PCR-LE2 Series is a special version of the PCR-LE Series that
can produce highly pure AC signals through the combination of
its high-speed linear amplifier and arbitrary waveform synthesizer.
It features switchable single-phase, single-phase three-wire, and
three-phase outputs.
Checking the Package Contents
When you receive the product, check that all accessories are in-
cluded and that the accessories have not been damaged during
transportation. If any of the accessories are damaged or missing,
contact your Kikusui agent or distributor. We recommend that you
save all packing materials, in case the product needs to be trans-
ported at a later date.
Setup Guide (1pc.)
Quick Reference Safety information
(1pc.) [Z1-005-040]
English: 1pc. [Z1-006-102]
Japanese: 1pc. [Z1-006-100]
CD-ROM (1 pc.)
Heavy object warning label
PCR6000LE2/PCR9000LE2 only
If necessary, attach
to the product.
The PCR-LE2 Series is equipped with the following features.
Switchable between single-phase output, single-phase three-
wire output, and three-phase output
Three types of output are available on a single unit.
• Various power supply simulations
Power line abnormalities such as outages and voltage dips can
be simulated. This is a basic feature for power-supply-environ-
ment testing.
• Various measurements
The rms voltage and current, the peak voltage and current, the
active power, apparent power, and power factor of the output
can be measured. Harmonic analysis (up to the 40th harmonic)
can be performed on the output current.
• DC output
The PCR-LE2 Series can generate DC output (single-phase out-
put or single-phase three-wire output only) and AC + DC output
(single-phase output only). This makes it possible to use the
PCR-LE2 Series in a wide variety of fields, including chemistry
and physics.
• Sequences
The output voltage, frequency, and waveform can be changed
over time. Power-supply-environment testing can be automated.
In addition to the AC output sequences, DC output (single-phase
output or single-phase three-wire output only) and AC + DC out-
put (single-phase output only) sequences are also available. A
variety of standard tests can also be performed.
• Sensing and regulation adjustment
Even if the load device is at a remote location, the PCR-LE2 Se-
ries can stabilize the voltage across the load by correcting for
voltage drops.
There are two types of sensing: hard sensing (single-phase
output only) and soft sensing. The different types of sensing are
used depending on the load conditions and how you will use the
PCR-LE2 Series.
• Output current control
The output limit function can be used to limit the output current
(rms) to a fixed value to perform continuous operation. Continuity
tests on electrical equipment (such as switchboards, breakers,
and wiring devices) can be performed under stable conditions.
• Power management function (power saving function)
A sleep function, which turns the power units off to reduce power
consumption when output is not generated for the specified
length of time, and a power-saving function, which operates the
power units at the bare minimum settings as required by the sup-
ply load, are available.
• Memory function
Up to 99 entries of output frequency, voltage (AC or DC), and
waveform bank settings can be saved to the internal memory.
The contents of internal memory, panel settings, power line ab-
normality simulations, sequence data, and waveform bank data
can be saved to a USB memory device.
• External communications
The PCR-LE2 Series can be controlled remotely through its
RS232C interface. If an optional interface board is used, the
PCR-LE2 Series can be controlled remotely through USB, GPIB,
and LAN interfaces.
• External analog signal control (optional)
The EX05-PCR-LE/EX06-PCR-LE option enables you to control
the PCR-LE2 Series output using external analog signals.
1-1-3, Higashiyamata, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama, 224-0023, Japan
TEL: +81-45-593-7570 Fax: +81-45-593-7571
The newest version of the operation manual can be
downloaded from Download service of Kikusui web-
Printed in
Japan © 2013
PCR-LE2 manual
2 PCR-LE2 series
About the PCR-LE2 Documentation
These manuals are intended for users of the PCR-LE2 Series AC
Power Supply and their instructors.
Explanations are given under the presumption that the reader has
knowledge related to electric safety tests.
You can view the PDF file using Adobe Reader 6.0 or later.
The HTML can be viewed using the following browser.
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.0 or later
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this manual.
However, if you have any questions or find any errors or omissions,
please contact your Kikusui agent or distributor.
If you find any misplaced or missing pages in this manual, it will be
replaced. If the manual gets lost or soiled, a new copy can be pro-
vided for a fee. To replace or purchase a manual, please contact
your Kikusui agent or distributor. At that time, inform your agent or
distributor of the “Part No.” written on the front cover of this manual.
After you have finished reading this manual, store it so that you can
use it for reference at any time.
Notations used in the PCR-LE2 manual
In the PCR-LE2 manual, the PCR-LE2 Series AC Power Supply is
also referred to as the PCR-LE2 Series and the PCR-LE2.
The term “PC” is used to refer generally to both personal comput-
ers and workstations.
The screen captures used in this manual may differ from the actual
screens that appear on the PCR-LE2. The screen captures are
merely examples.
The following markings are used in the explanations in the manual.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if ig-
nored, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if ignored,
may result in damage to the product or other property.
- Note -
Indicates information that you should know.
Explanation of terminology or operation principle.
(SHIFT+key name)
Indicates an operation that requires you to press a key indicated
in blue characters (the lower row of text to the left of the key)
while holding down the SHIFT key.
Contents of the Included CD-ROM
Put the included CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. In a few mo-
ments, a start window will appear. If the start window does not
appear, open the CD-ROM folder in Windows Explorer, and then
double-click index.html to display the start window.
Accompanying CD-ROM contains following the items.
• KI-VISA x.x.x
• Operation Manual
Click the "See the Manual" to move to the Manual page.
- Tips -
How to view ePub les on a tablet
To view an ePub le on a tablet, an ePub reader (e.g., iBooks, Hi-
mawari Reader) must be installed in the tablet. You can download
ePub readers for free.
There are several ways to copy ePub les to your tablet, but we
recommend that you download them from the Kikusui Electronics
Corporation website.
1. Using a browser on your iPad, visit Kikusui Elec-
tronics Corporation website’s Operation Manual
Database (http://www.kikusui.co.jp/en/down-
load/), and search for your PCR-LE2 series.
2. Tap the appropriate ePub le to download it.
When an ePub le is downloaded to your tablet, you can view it
even when the tablet is not connected to the Web.