VIAVI Solutions
Product Brief
TeraVM Portable Security
Virtualized Application and Security Testing
TeraVM is an application emulation and security performance solution,
delivering comprehensive test coverage for application services, wired and
wireless networks. TeraVM is offered as a virtualized solution enabling the
flexibility to run anywhere  lab, datacenter and the cloud, with consistent
performance coverage, ensuring that highly optimized networks and
services can be delivered with minimal risk.
y Ensure the accuracy and validity
of network device evaluations and
security testing
y Continuous security intelligence
with real-world applications and
relevant threats
y Comprehensive library of ,
CVE validated threat signatures,
with frequent updates
y Realize savings from the
only elastic test bed without
compromising security
y Maximize security by sharing
virtual test assets to run
anywhere, anytime
Security threats constantly evolve with new vulnerabilities discovered
weekly. Attackers continue to develop new methods and attacks to
find undiscovered holes in the most advanced network defenses.
Application performance testing and security validation must reflect
the latest and most relevant security threats to ensure network security
devices will perform and protect the network infrastructure from the
most advanced and malicious attacks. TeraVM provides scalable real-
world application and threat emulation which leverages veritable
internet threats from popular Common Vulnerability and Exposures
(CVE) repositories. Frequent updates available ensure users assess their
security posture in the landscape of ongoing changes for applications,
attacks and standards to stay protected.
Security Hardening
By emulating the latest security threat and exploit profiles, users of
TeraVM can assess security vulnerabilities in a safe and contained
manner. TeraVM enables users to quickly pinpoint where the weaknesses
are in their security counter measures ensuring the appliance or
application is patched for any vulnerability.
 TeraVM Portable Security
Vulnerability Description
Out-of bounds Vulnerability A successful remote denial of service attack against Google Chrome
before 47.0.2526.73.
Microsoft Windows Library
Loading Vulnerability
A successful remote code execution attack against Microsoft Windows
Vista SP2, Windows Server 2008 SP2 and R2 SP1, Windows 7 SP1,
Windows 8, Windows 8.1.
Microsoft Windows Remote Code
Execution Vulnerability
A successful remote code execution attack against Windows Media
Center in Microsoft Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8,
and Windows 8.1.
HTTP WordPress Plugin
WordPress Plugin WP Easy Poll 1.1.3 is vulnerable to a CSRF attack.
HTTP Alcatel Lucent Home Device
Manager Vulnerability
Alcatel-Lucent Home Device Manager is prone to multiple cross-site
scripting vulnerabilities.
HTTP D-Link DIR-645 Buffer
Overflow Vulnerability
D-Link DGL5500 is vulnerable to a buffer overflow, caused by improper
bounds checking by UPNP
HTTP AlegroCart 1.2.8 SQL Injection
Alegrocart is vulnerable to multiple SQL injection. A remote attacker could
view, add, modify or delete information in the back-end database.
Actionable Insight
TeraVM provides a suite of applications and security threats through a comprehensive cyber security threat
database. Together they provide unique, actionable insight into threat activity, its relevance, and how to achieve a
desired balance between security cost and business risk.
Performance under Duress
Determine with precision the effectiveness of security counter measures against scaled and targeted attacks.
Assess what the impact is on network operations. Using TeraVM, emulate distributed denial of service attacks
with known exploits.
TeraVM’s application emulation and cybersecurity solution is deployed on any industry standard hardware with any
major hypervisor (e.g. VMware ESXI, Hyper-V, and KVM). With TeraVM you are no longer locked in to proprietary
hardware that seems to be obsolete almost the minute you receive it.
TeraVM cybersecurity solution is packaged as a virtual appliance on standard hardware and only requires a software
license to operate. For geographically dispersed testing and security validation moving a test bed across the world
is as simple as checking out a license from a centrally deployed license server.
Cybersecurity Database
TeraVM Cybersecurity Database provides a comprehensive resource and service for proactively protecting and
hardening the most advance networks. The TeraVM Cybersecurity Database is frequently updated as new threats
are discovered and validated.
TeraVM Cybersecurity Database
See below example of recent threat updates. For a complete list of all threats, contact us.