Model SPS24
SENCOM PC Software
IM 12A01S02-01E
IM 12A01S02-01E
2nd Edition
IM 12A01S02-01E 2nd Edition : Dec. 01, 2014-00
u Preface
Thank you for purchasing the SPS24 SENCOM PC Software.
Please read the following respective documents before installing and using the SPS24 SENCOM
PC Software.
The SPS24 SENCOM PC Software is designed to connect and manage SENCOM sensors for
tasks including calibration.
For information about the SENCOM sensor, WU11 SENCOM cable, and FLXA21 2-wire
analyzer, please refer to their respective manuals.
l Target readers of this document
This document has been compiled for readers who have the basic software and hardware
knowledge required to install the SPS24 SENCOM PC Software as well as to operate Microsoft
Windows operation systems.
l Version up
The SPS24 SENCOM PC Software can download a version up product from the following site.
Media No. IM 12A01S02-01E 2nd Edition : Dec. 2014 (YK)
All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2013, Yokogawa Electric Corporation