September, 2015
Bourns® Model SRN4018 and SRN4026
Semi-Shielded Power Inductor Series
Adhesive Change
e carrier tape cover adhesive process for the Bourns® Model SRN4018 and SRN4026 Semi-Shielded Power
Inductor Series is changing from a heat activated adhesive (HAA) to a pressure sensitive adhesive (PSA).  e
new PSA is more resilient than the existing HAA to tearing and breaking during its removal process.  e
uniform adhesion of the PSA results in consistent peeling which helps prevent components from popping
out of the carrier during assembly.  is change has no impact on the  t, function, quality or reliability of the
components. (A ected part numbers are listed in Table 1 on the following page.)
Implementation dates are as follows:
Date that manufacturing of existing packaging method will cease: January 31, 2016
Bourns will begin phasing in this new packaging method: February 1, 2016
First date code using above changes: 1606
If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact Customer Service/
Inside Sales.
Heat Activated Adhesive (HAA)
Packaging method: heat activated
Color of the cover tape: transparent
Pressure Sensitive Adhesive (PSA)
Packaging method: self-adhesive
Color of the cover tape: dark grey
Bourns® Model SRN4018 and SRN4026 Semi-Shielded Power Inductor Series Adhesive Change
September, 2015
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Table 1. Aff ected Part Numbers
SRN4018-R82Y SRN4026-1R0Y
SRN4018-1R0Y SRN4026-1R2Y
SRN4018-1R2Y SRN4026-2R2Y
SRN4018-1R5Y SRN4026-3R3M
SRN4018-2R2M SRN4026-4R7M
SRN4018-2R7M SRN4026-6R8M
SRN4018-3R3M SRN4026-100M
SRN4018-4R7M SRN4026-150M
SRN4018-6R8M SRN4026-220M
SRN4018-100M SRN4026-330M
SRN4018-150M SRN4026-470M
SRN4018-220M SRN4026-680M
SRN4018-330M SRN4026-101M
SRN4018-470M SRN4026-151M
SRN4018-680M SRN4026-221M