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■ Customer:
U.S. Air Force
■ Location:
Washington, D.C.
■ Application:
Street, walkway and
tunnel lighting
■ Product Part Number:
■ Customer Website:
Sales Representative:
Eastern Electronics
Raleigh, N. Carolina
■ Story Published:
9 November 2009
LEDtronics Shoebox and Cobrahead LED Luminaires Aid
the Bolling Air Force Base in D.C. with Their Energy Eciency Goals
© 2011 LEDtronics, Inc.
■ Story URL:
nergy Conservation: It Starts with Aware-
ness” was the theme for the 2009 Energy
Awareness Month at Bolling Air Force
Base in Washington, D.C. e U.S. Department
of Energy promotes the national Awareness Month
campaign each October.
Among the key goals leaders and energy stewards
from the Air Force District of Washington sought
to accomplish through the program was to showcase
the base as a nationally recognized model for energy
and water conservation. It was the same vision for
an energy-efficient future that was behind AFDWs
participation in the national Energy Star Pledge
movement of the Energy Department.
Most probably the same concerns led them
recently to decide to replace some of the power-
hogging street lamps on the base grounds with eco-
friendly LED lights from Torrance, California-based
LEDtronics, Inc.
e changes
included 56
units of M400
style LEDtron-
ics streetlight
luminaires on
Chappie James
Boulevard that
centrally runs
the length of the
base (bottom
photo). At 82
watts each, the
SLL002P-3D60W-XPW-004 cobra-
heads replaced 250W and 400W HPS
Several hundred 27-watt, acorn-
style LED30MH-600-XPW-001
street lamps keep the bases streets well
lit at night (top photo). e low-
wattage screw-in, retro-fit LED bulbs
replaced high-power 100-watt HPS
Two LED lighting products from
LEDtronics illuminate inside and
outside the pedestrian tunnel (photo
at left): a set of 20-watt SLL003PC-
400-XPW-005 ceiling/wall Slim Line
Shoebox luminaires light up the pe-
destrian tunnel; another set of 20-watt
SLL003P-400-XPW-004 pole-mount
Slim Line Shoebox luminaires lights
the walkway leading into and out of
the tunnel.
In use since it was founded in
1918 on the east side of the Potomac
River, Bolling AF Base is home of
the USAF 11th Wing, “e Chiefs
Own.” Once an important airfield in
the Air Forces inventory, Bolling was
made into the headquarters for all
Air Force operations in the National
Capital Region in 1985.
In addition to the AFDW, Bolling
AFB is host to a variety of organiza-
tions representing a cross-section of
the Air Force, from base-level offices
to Headquarters for the Office of Spe-
cial Investigations, the Air Force Sur-
geon General and the Air Force Chief
of Chaplains. Bolling also serves as a
diverse military community, housing
families of all services and hosting one
of the largest defense organizations—
the Defense Intelligence Agency
Several hundred LEDtronics 27-watt acorn-style street
lamps light up the Bolling AF base’s streets at night
LEDtronics 82-watt
streetlight Cobraheads
replaced 250W and
400W HPS
luminaires on Chappie
James Blvd. that
centrally runs the
length of the base
lighting application stories
PART: LED30MH-600-XPW-001
3 dierent LED lighting products
from LEDtronics used in and
outside pedestrian tunnel