April 2017
DocID030514 Rev 1
User manual
Firmware plugin for STSW-ESC001V1 board with ST Motor
Control FOC SDK
The STSW-ESC001V1 firmware package for the STEVAL-ESC001V1 board includes the application
code to support the electronic speed controller (ESC).
It embeds a sensorless FOC algorithm with speed regulation and an active braking function. It also
performs a PWM detection routine capable of accepting command signals from external units for driving
flight control boards (FCU) or equivalent.
In case of stalling, a dedicated function manages motor restart. For safety reasons, the ESC implements
the arming/disarming feature.
DocID030514 Rev 1
1 Getting started ................................................................................. 4
1.1 Hardware overview ........................................................................... 4
1.1.1 STEVAL-ESC001V1 architecture ....................................................... 5
1.2 Installing the software ....................................................................... 5
1.2.1 Motor Profiler update with STEVAL-ESC001V1 support ................... 6
1.3 Firmware package overview.............................................................. 6
2 Configuring the firmware example ................................................. 8
2.1 ST Workbench tool with STEVAL-ESC001V1 ................................... 8
2.2 ST Motor profiler tool with STEVAL-ESC001V1 .............................. 10
3 STSW-ESC001V1 firmware package ............................................ 15
3.1 Application code for STEVAL-ESC001V1 ....................................... 15
3.1.1 ESCboot() ......................................................................................... 19
3.1.2 TIM2_IRQHandler(…) ...................................................................... 19
3.1.3 PWM_FC_control() ........................................................................... 20
3.2 Configuration for ST Workbench tool usage ................................... 20
4 Revision history ............................................................................ 21