R&S®FSH4 / FSH8:
next generation of
handheld spectrum
FIG 1 Testing a wireless
communications base station
with the new R&S®FSH8
handheld spectrum analyzer.
The first generation of R&S®FSH handheld spec-
trum analyzers has become very popular among
users. The analyzers are highly valued all-purpose
instruments especially for the installation and main-
tenance of RF transmitter systems in the field. The
new R&S®FSH4 and R&S®FSH8 analyzers offer the
same first-rate performance as their predecessors.
In addition, they have been enhanced and expanded
in a variety of ways in response to customer require-
ments. The R&S®FSH4 / FSH8 analyzers thus prove
even more valuable instruments when it comes to
performing efficient measurements in mobile use.
Users will immediately be familiar with the new R&S®FSH4
and R&S®FSH8 handheld spectrum analyzers as they feature
the characteristic design of the R&S®FSH family (FIG 1). They
are ergonomic, easy to operate, designed to withstand the
lightest portable spectrum analyzers available. Prominent fea-
tures that are visible at a glance include the 6.5" color display
(now even larger and with higher resolution than in the pre-
vious generation), an SD memory card slot, USB/ LAN inter-
faces, and a cover protecting the easy-to-replace battery. The
new analyzers also have been enhanced with respect to their
“inner qualities”: better RF characteristics, an expanded range
of functions and a built-in VSWR bridge to name just a few.
Superior RF characteristics provide
Offering very good RF characteristics, the R&S®FSH4 and
R&S®FSH8 are among the best in their class. With a displayed
average noise level (DANL) of –163 dBm (1 Hz) at 2 GHz, for
models, even extremely weak signals can be reliably mea-
sured. In test scenarios involving several strong signals, the
analyzers’ excellent large-signal immunity prevents the forma-
tion of intermodulation products. And, featuring a third-order
intercept point of 15 dBm in the common mobile radio bands,
the instruments compare with high-grade benchtop units.
Level measurement uncertainty is low, i.e. max. 1 dB up to
3.6 GHz and max. 1.5 dB up to 8 GHz.
Display of results –
The display has a resolution of 640 × 480 pixels. The screen
can be split, e.g. for the simultaneous display of two traces
for the magnitude and phase in the vector network analy-
sis mode (FIG 2). With a total of 631 test points, the analyzer
detects signals reliably and provides a detailed representa-
tion of results. Poor lighting conditions are no problem for the
R&S®FSH – it features adjustable color, brightness and con-
trast plus a monochrome mode to ensure optimal readability
of the display under any circumstances.
Operating philosophy:
versatility – yet focused on the essentials
New hardware and software control elements and an even
more straightforward menu structure further simplify oper-
ation. For example, you can now directly access limit lines
and important marker functions. The selected function can be
activated immediately by pressing the Enter key in the rotary
knob. The MODE key makes it easy to switch between oper-
ating modes, e.g. spectrum analyzer, vector network analyzer
or power meter mode. Due to the instrument’s vertical design,
you can securely hold it in both hands and yet easily reach
all control elements. Pressing the “camera” key will produce
a screenshot of any desired content and store it as a graph-
can quickly learn how to operate the R&S®FSH, and custom-
their way around in a familiar environment.
FIG 2 Simultaneous display of magnitude and phase in split-screen
NEWS 198/08 31
GENERAL PURPOSE | Spectrum analyzers