Gap Filler TGF 1450 is a high performance
thermally conductive liquid gap lling
material which features high shear thinning
characteristics for optimized consistency and
control during dispensing. Gap Filler
TGF 1450 features a low-density design
which reduces nal assembly weight.
The mixed system will cure at room
temperature and can be accelerated with the
addition of heat. Gap Filler TGF 1450 offers
innite thickness variations with little or no
stress to the sensitive components during
or following assembly. As cured, Gap Filler
TGF 1450 provides a soft, thermally
conductive form-in place elastomer that is
ideal for fragile assemblies and lling unique
and intricate air voids and gaps.
Note: To build a part number, visit our
website at
Gap Filler TGF 1450
Automotive electronics (HEV, NEV, batteries)
• Lighting
• With or without glass beads, available for order in kits or pail formats
PDS_GF TGF 1450_August 2017
Thermal conductivity: 1.5 W/m-K
Ultra-conforming with excellent
wet-out for near zero interface stress
• No cure by-products
Low density for weight sensitive
Excellent low and high temperature
mechanical and chemical stability
Shear thinning viscosity for ease of
A two-part, high performance, thermally
conductive liquid gap lling material.
August 2017
Color / Part A Blue Blue Visual
Color / Part B Light Blue Light Blue Visual
Viscosity, High Shear (Pa-s)(1) 30 30 ASTM D5099
Density (g/cc) 1.85 1.85 ASTM D792
Mix Ratio 1:1 1:1
Shelf Life @ 25°C (months)(3) 6 6
Color Blue Blue Visual
Hardness (Shore 00)(4) 40 40 ASTM D2240
Heat Capacity (J/g-K) 1.0 1.0 ASTM D1269
Continuous Use Temp (°F) / (°C) -76 to 347 -60 to 175
Dielectric Strength (V/mil) 275 275 ASTM D149
Dielectric Constant (1000 Hz) 6.4 6.4 ASTM D150
Volume Resistivity (Ohm-meter) 10
Flame Rating V-O V-O U.L. 94
Thermal Conductivity (W/m-K) 1.5 1.5 ASTM D5470
ASTM D4473 60 minnim 06)5( C°52 @ efiL toP
sruoh 5)5(C°52 @ eruC 5 hours ASTM D4473
nim 01)5( C°001 @ eruC 30 min ASTM D4473
1) Capillary Viscosity, 3000/sec, Part A and B measured separately.
2) Flow viscosity measured on Parallel Plate rheometer, 1/sec shear rate, Part A and B measured separately
3) See application note for storage and handling recommendations.
4) Thirty second delay value, Shore 00 hardness scale.
5) Parallel Plate Rheometer, see reactivity application note.
Viscosity, Low Shear (Pa-s)(2) 200 200 ASTM D2196
For the most direct access to local sales and technical support visit:
GF TGF 1450, August 2017
The information provided in this Technical Data Sheet (TDS) including the
recommendations for use and application of the product are based on our
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applications and results. We strongly recommend that you carry out your own
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The information provided in this Technical Data Sheet (TDS) including the
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prior trials to conrm such suitability of our product.
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Reference 0.1