記載された製品は改良などにより、 外観及び記載事項の一部を予告なく変更することがあります。
Any products mentioned in this catalog are subject to any modification in their appearance and others for improvements without prior notification.
The details listed here are not a guarantee of the individual products at the time of ordering. When using the products, you will be asked to check their specifications.
Coils, Transformers
のCZ typeをシリーズ化。
Low-height, and high current power inductor
used in digital devices and mobile phones.
Several dimensions are available.
1. はんだレス(レーザー接合)
2. 幅広端子を使用した耐衝撃性構造 。
3. 大電流化を実現するために構造を新規設計。
1. Non-solder product by laser welding.
2. Impact-resistant structure with wider terminals.
3. High current performance.
For digital equipment (DSC, DVC, PDA) and mobile phones.
記載された製品は改良などにより、 外観及び記載事項の一部を予告なく変更することがあります。
Any products mentioned in this catalog are subject to any modification in their appearance and others for improvements without prior notification.
The details listed here are not a guarantee of the individual products at the time of ordering. When using the products, you will be asked to check their specifications.
 󰓏
  1.2 ±30 1kHz 90 0.85 1.05
  2.2 ±30 1kHz 130 0.70 0.90
  3.3 ±30 1kHz 160 0.60 0.82
  4.7 ±30 1kHz 240 0.50 0.72
  5.6 ±30 1kHz 300 0.46 0.67
  6.8 ±30 1kHz 375 0.43 0.62
  8.2 ±30 1kHz 400 0.38 0.58
  10 ±20 1kHz 450 0.33 0.55
 
 󰓏
1.2max. 1.2∼10 90∼450 0.33∼0.85 0.55∼1.05
 1.5max. 2.2∼22 90∼800 0.25∼0.80 0.30∼1.00
 1.8max. 2.2∼47 85∼1,150 0.23∼1.00 0.25∼1.10