March 2012 Altera Corporation
ES-01026-7.6 Errata Sheet
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Errata Sheet for Stratix III Devices
This errata sheet provides updated information on known device issues affecting
III devices.
Production Device Issues for Stratix III Devices
Ta bl e 1 lists the specific issues and which Stratix III devices are affected by each issue.
Table 1. Issues for Stratix III Devices (Part 1 of 3)
Issue Affected Devices Planned Fix
PLL phasedone Signal Stuck at Low”
In some cases, the Stratix III phase-locked loop (PLL) blocks
exhibit the phasedone signal stuck at low during the PLL dynamic
phase shift.
All Stratix III devices
II software version
12.0 and later.
“Error Detection CRC Feature, When Enabled, May Cause the
MLAB RAM Blocks to Operate Incorrectlyon page 3
Error Detection CRC feature, when enabled, may cause the MLAB
RAM blocks to operate incorrectly.
All Stratix III Devices
EP3SL50 Revision G
EP3SL70 Revision F
EP3SL110 Revision I
EP3SL150 Revision H
EP3SL200 Revision G
EP3SL340 Revision E
EP3SE50 Revision D
EP3SE80 Revision G
EP3SE110 Revision F
EP3SE260 Revision F
Remote System Upgrade Feature” on page 4
Remote System Upgrade feature fails when loading an invalid
application configuration image.
All Stratix III Devices
“CRC Error Injection Feature” on page 4
The CRC error injection feature may not operate correctly.
All Stratix III Devices
MLAB final timing models were updated post Quartus II Software
version 8.1. Only a subset of designs using MLAB blocks are
affected. See the information in the second paragraph of
“Updated MLAB Final Timing Model (Affecting a Subset of MLAB
Designs)” on page 5.
Updated LVDS Final Timing Model on page 5
LVDS final timing models were updated post Quartus II Software
version 8.1.
All Stratix III Devices
Page 2 Production Device Issues for Stratix III Devices
Errata Sheet for Stratix III Devices March 2012 Altera Corporation
Dynamic phase alignment (DPA) circuitry in Stratix III devices
might get stuck at the initial configured phase or move to the
optimum phase after a longer than expected period of time.
All Stratix III Devices
Power-Up Issue. Device may fail to power-up successfully. All Stratix III Devices
may toggle unexpectedly in user mode without
detecting an actual SEU.
All Stratix III Devices
M9K and M144K RAM blocks can be put into a locked, inactive
state when driven by a clock with a very narrow pulse (for
example, a glitch).
All Stratix III Devices
Stratix III devices can fail JTAG configuration in certain positions
of the JTAG chain, depending on the setup conditions.
3SL150 Revision B
and earlier
E260/L340 Revision A
3SL150 Revision C
Revision B
Interface timing issues with the LVDS hard macro.
All Stratix III devices All Stratix III devices
The dynamic phase alignment (DPA) lock signal
rx_dpa_locked) does not assert on some channels during link
All Stratix III devices All Stratix III devices
The DPA circuit in the EP3SL150 ES devices fails to lock and data
is corrupted at data rates of 150 Mbps to 385 Mbps and data
rates above 622 Mbps.
EP3SL150 ES devices EP3SL150 production devices
Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) for temperature sensing diode
(TSD) no longer supported.
All Stratix III ES and
production devices
TSD must have V
powered on to operate.
Revision A of
EP3SE50, EP3SL70,
EP3SE110, EP3SE260,
Revisions A and B of
EP3SL150 devices
Future revisions of the affected
Stratix III devices
Device may enter power-on reset (POR) during reconfiguration
cycle. New information for “Device Reconfiguration Issue” on
page 9.
Revision A of
EP3SE50, EP3SL70,
EP3SE110, EP3SE260,
Revisions A and B of
EP3SL150 devices
Future revisions of the affected
Stratix III devices
Write speed decrease for M144K blocks in certain modes.
Revision A of
EP3SE50, EP3SL70,
EP3SE110, EP3SE260,
Revisions A and B of
EP3SL150 devices
Future revisions of the affected
Stratix III devices
MLAB RAM block size changed from 64x10 or 32x20 (640 bits)
to 16x20 (320 bits).
All Stratix III ES and
production devices
The TSD is not backwards compatible with Stratix II devices.
EP3SL150 ES devices EP3SL150 production devices
Table 1. Issues for Stratix III Devices (Part 2 of 3)
Issue Affected Devices Planned Fix