Easy Noise Analysis with Record and Replay
Signal Analyzer Capture Function Records Noise
Save frequency span × Capture time as data le in memory
Re-sample saved data and output as le to internal or external hard disk
Recall data saved in internal or external hard disk and analyze as many times as necessary
Perform multi-domain analysis, such as frequency axis, time axis, spectrogram, etc.
Mobile phones, PCs, Game machines, Home electronics, etc., are a key part of all our lives but sometimes their correct operation
is impaired by unwanted interference or “Noise” from other nearby machines; Noise evaluation to prevent mis-operation is a
key measurement. However, capturing all noise from every source such as electric motors and other environmental factors is
extremely difcult in terms of costs, labor and time. In addition, it is hard to generate stable noise for test capture.
The MS269xA solves these problems at a stroke by capturing the noise and then using the built-in vector signal generator to
replay it to accurately simulate the actual noise environment in the test laboratory.
Frequency Span Sampling Rate Max. Capture Time Max. No. of Sample
1 kHz 2 kHz 2000 s 4 M
2.5 kHz 5 kHz 2000 s 10 M
5 kHz 10 kHz 2000 s 20 M
10 kHz 20 kHz 2000 s 40 M
25 kHz 50 kHz 2000 s 100 M
50 kHz 100 kHz 1000 s 100 M
100 kHz 200 kHz 500 s 100 M
250 kHz 500 kHz 200 s 100 M
500 kHz 1 MHz 100 s 100 M
1 MHz 2 MHz 50 s 100 M
2.5 MHz 5 MHz 20 s 100 M
5 MHz 10 MHz 10 s 100 M
10 MHz 20 MHz 5 s 100 M
25 MHz 50 MHz 2 s 100 M
31.25 MHz 50 MHz 2 s 100 M
50 MHz
100 MHz 500 ms 50 M
62.5 MHz
100 MHz 500 ms 50 M
100 MHz
200 MHz 500 ms 100 M
125 MHz
200 MHz 500 ms 100 M
: Requires MS269xA-077/078
Center Frequency
50 Hz to 6 GHz (MS2690A)
50 Hz to 13.5 GHz (MS2691A)
50 Hz to 26.5 GHz (MS2692A)
Frequency Span
1 kHz to 31.25 MHz (Standard)
1 kHz to 62.5 MHz (Opt.077)
1 kHz to 125 MHz (Opt.077+078)
Sampling Rate
2 kHz to 50 MHz (Standard)
2 kHz to 100 MHz (Opt.077)
2 kHz to 200 MHz (Opt.077+078)
(It is an automatic setting according to the frequency span.)
Attenuator: 0 to 60 dB
Trigger: Video, Wide IF Video, External, SG Marker
When capturing noise, sometimes it is not possible to capture very small level uctuations with a resolution of 20 ns
(Sampling rate: 50 MHz), depending on the noise components. In this case, using smaller resolution of 5 ns (Sampling rate:
200 MHz) can capture signals closer to the true noise.
It is possible to recreate mis-operation phenomena by capturing noise generated from actual equipment such as electrical
motors at a resolution of 5 ns and reproducing it with the vector signal generator.
Need for Opt.077/078 Analysis Bandwidth Extension
High resolution captures ne noise
200 MHz max. sampling rate =
5 ns resolution
+ MS2690A/91A/92A-020 Vector Signal Generator (option)
MS2690A/91A/92A Signal Analyzer
MS269xA_Noise_Analysis-E-A-2-(1.01) 18/JAN/2012 ddch/CDT
Isolate and Save Only Noise Components in Captured Data
Save only the required parts of the captured data to hard disk
FULL: All captured data for entire time
Analysis Time: Set analysis time (blue part in screen)
Manual: Any setting during captured time
Filter out unwanted parts
Replay Captured Noise from Vector Signal Generator
Vector Signal Generator generates waveform pattern with built-in PC based
on data captured by Signal Analyzer
Outputs generated waveform at arbitrary level and frequency → Replay noise
MS269xA-020 Vector Signal Generator
Frequency Range: 125 MHz to 6 GHz
Output Level: –140 to 0 dBm
Baseband Generator Clock: 20 kHz to 160 MHz
Arbitrary Waveform Memory: 1 GB
High Resolution
Installing the Opt.077/078 Analysis Bandwidth Extension supports noise capture at sampling rates up to 200 MHz with 5 ns resolution.
Isolating Noise
After capturing the signal for the maximum time, data for just the required part with the noise can be saved to disk, greatly
reducing the le size and saving disk space. Additionally, processing speed is increased when generating the vector signal
generator noise waveform pattern with the PC.
Conventionally, a pre-amp, signal analyzer, and PC (for generating waveform pattern) are required to capture and replay
noise. The all-in-one MS269xA has all these functions built-in to eliminate complex setup work and improve efciency.
Advantages of MS269xA Signal Analyzer
Ordering Information
Category Model Name
Main frame
MS2690A Signal Analyzer (50 Hz to 6 GHz)
MandatoryMS2691A Signal Analyzer (50 Hz to 13.5 GHz)
MS2692A Signal Analyzer (50 Hz to 26.5 GHz)
Hardware options
MS269xA-008 6 GHz Preamplifier
MS269xA-020 Vector Signal Generator (125 kHz to 6 GHz) Mandatory
MS269xA-050 HDD Digitizing Interface (4 hours of continuous capture max.)
(Requires MS269xA-077)
Analysis Bandwidth Extension to 125 MHz
(Sampling rate: 200 MHz max., ADC resolution: 14 bits)