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Taconic - Headquarters
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Tel: 518-658-3202 / 1-800-833-1805
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Taconic International Ltd.
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Tel: +353-44-9395600
Korea Taconic Company
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Tel: +82-31-704-1858
Taconic Advanced Material (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
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laminates are advanced composites
consisting of ceramic, PTFE and a woven
berglass reinforcement. e composite structure was designed
for low density applications such as aerospace having optimally
low weight requirements. e combination of ceramic and woven
berglass results in a dimensionally stable composite which
is otherwise not possible with non reinforced PTFEs. e low
density approach also makes for a composite with a low Z axis
expansion which is also not otherwise possible with PTFE-rich
composites. TLY-5Z is much more thermally stable with respect
to z axis expansion induced stress on plated through holes than
conventional low dielectric constant PTFE-composites.
TLY-5Z is also an attractive choice from a cost perspective. e
ceramic/berglass structure is a cost-eective solution versus
standard PTFE-rich copper clad laminates. TLY-5Z can be used
in high volume commercial microwave applications where PTFE-
rich substrates would be cost prohibitive. TLY-5Z can be used in
PWB designs which would be extremely dicult to manufacture
or thermally unreliable with conventional PTFE-rich substrates.
Oen, plated through holes in conventional PTFE-rich substrates
suer from drilling defects and must be plated with thick copper to
have any hope of reliability. ese PWBs may suer from thermal
cycle induced cracks. TLY-5Z has half the thermal expansion
of PTFE-rich substrates, oers improved drilling and can be
thermally cycled. Ground stitching along transmission lines can
be readily accomplished and they will be thermally reliable. TLY-
5Z oers a much better option for complex multilayer stripline
design than older PTFE rich substrates. TLY-5Z can support
Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) applications with many
mode suppression vias.
TLY-5Z can be combined with the attest of coppers such as the
new ULP ultra low prole copper foils.
Benets & Applications:
• Low Z Axis CTE
• Plated rough Hole Stability
• Low Density (1.92 g/cm
• Attractive Price/Performance
• Excellent Peel Strength
• Compatible with Flat Copper
• Aerospace Components
• Low Weight Antennas for
• RF Passive Components
An ISO 9001 Registered Company
Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code: 1C6Q9
TLY-5Z Low DK/Low Z Axis Expansion/Low Density Laminates
TLY-5Z Low DK/Low Z Axis Expansion/Low Density Laminates
TLY-5Z shows reduced temperature coecient of dielectric constant (TcK) relative to conventional 2.2 dielectric
constant materials.
PIMD (Passive Intermodular Distortion) occurs in complex communications systems where multiple frequen-
cies induce unwanted harmonic distortion. PIM can result from many sources other than the copper clad
laminates. However, laminates such as Taconics TLY and TLY-5Z exceed PIM requirements of PCBs of -153 dBc
(measured between 880 and 960 M, from 1710 to 1880 MHz and from 1920 to 2100 MHz). Data was collected
using 20 Watt signal carriers and reverse treated copper (CL1).
TLY-5Z’s improved PTH reliability results in consistent PIMD levels in pwb designs with plated through holes
even aer repeated thermal cycling.
PIMD example of TLY-5Z-0300-CL1/CL1 PTH example aer thermal cycle
Conventional 2.2 DK PTFE Subtrates