Application Note
PTC Testing using Anritsu
LMR Master
dio manufacturers have already started to ship their new ITC-R Positive Train Control (PTC) radios, and the
first PTC digital radio communications systems are now being deployed and tested in the field. Information is
beginning to be gathered on how these new PTC signals propagate, and an understanding of PTC system
performance is beginning to emerge. Advanced propagation prediction software has been used to estimate
coverage, and verification work is under way using the first deployed base stations to measure and confirm
effective RF propagation.
PTC radio systems project commissioning teams from several different railroads are using their own individual
approaches, with no final testing procedures defined yet. The focus on PTC RF testing has been mostly on
verifying through RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) values that the coverage for each base station is
similar to what the propagation software predicted. Typically, previously installed base station radios are
used to transmit and receive PTC signals, and sometimes locomotive and/or wayside radios are also used in
the field to verify coverage to and from the base stations.
This document describes and proposes an improved PTC field testing methodology which will be more
precise, time saving, and cost effective. The improved methodology uses features already available in
instruments such as the Anritsu S412E LMR Master™, and different configurations of instruments and PTC
radios. Anritsu’s LMR Master includes optional support for ITC-R PTC testing with a PTC Signal Generator, PTC
Signal Analyzer, Spectrum Analyzer, and the ability to coverage map RSSI, BER, and Error Vector Magnitude
(EVM) for PTC systems.
This document consists of four sections: Testing Parameters, Field Testing, Comments and Suggestions, and
Test Bench pictures.
Testing Parameters – Section 1.0
This section is focused on the parameters being measured during PTC wireless path testing in the field,
what is normally being measured and how it can be improved. This section also describes the PTC testing
features available on the Anritsu LMR Master. Several recommendations and testing tips are offered to
improve the quality and accuracy of the testing and to fully utilize the features of the PTC Analyzer/Generator
of the LMR Master.
Current field testing methodologies may address one or more of the following:
• Coverage,currentlymeasuredinRSSI
• Variablenoisefloorandde-sensinginsomeareas
• On-channelinterferencefromotherradios
• Near-channelinterferencefromotherradios
• Intermodulationproductsfromotherradiosonseveralfrequencies
• Randomnoisewithdifferentpatternsfrommultiplesources
• Multipathfadingcausedbyreflectionsonstructures,terrainandlargevehicles
• Otherinterferenceincludingradars,powerlinesandbroadcastingsystems
also be measured and recorded, but as of today there is no process in place to correlate how one or more
interfering parameters might affect RSSI.
Field Testing – Section 2.0
This section examines methodologies currently employed for PTC wireless path field testing, and provides
several recommendations to change and improve the entire testing process, making it much faster and
significantly reducing the cost of field testing work. Some semi-automated testing methods are proposed
and described.
2.1 RSSI Testing (Current Testing Method)
RSSI provides a signal level resulting from the sum of multiple components that include the original
signal received directly from the transmitter, other multipath signals produced by one or more
reflections/bounces of the original signal on structures, terrain or other physical objects, plus any other
signals from other radios, or products from different types of interference such as intermodulation or
equipment noise, plus the ambient RF noise floor, which in densely populated areas may exceed –95 dBm.
An RSSI value can be estimated/extrapolated taking into consideration all the external factors, but it
would not be very accurate or useful to determine how the PTC wireless path will be operating in the
real world. There could be a section of 60 miles of track with a noise floor below –120 dBm, and almost
perfect coverage of every foot of track with RSSI levels between –75 and –90 dBm, and there could still
be large holes in coverage caused by multipath and other factors that degrade the PTC wireless path
RSSI measurements only provide a small, one-dimensional view of the overall system performance. RSSI
cannot discriminate between desired signals and undesired RF intereference, thus testing which relies
solely on RSSI can lead to false consclusions, poor system performance, and added expense to diagnose
and resolve failures. RSSI can be used as a secondary source for reference, but the primary testing has to
be done using a more robust, precise testing method measuring the actual packet success performance
of the PTC wireless path under test. This performance varies and so even with an adequate RSSI level
there could be communications problems in the PTC wireless path.