© December 2008 Altera Corporation HardCopy III Device Handbook, Volume 2
3. Mapping Stratix III Device Resources
to HardCopy III Devices
This chapter discusses the available options for mapping from a Stratix
III device to a
III device.
HardCopy III ASICs have companion device support in the Quartus
II software
version 8.0. Selecting a HardCopy companion device ensures correct resource
availability for the HardCopy device.
The Quartus II software limits resources to those available to both the Stratix III FPGA
and the HardCopy III ASIC. It also ensures that the design revision targeting a
HardCopy III device retains the same functionality as the original Stratix III design.
When compiling designs with the Quartus II software, you can specify one Stratix III
target device and one or more Stratix III migration devices. When you specify at least
one migration device, the Quartus II compiler constrains I/O pins and relevant hard
IP blocks to the minimum resources available in any of the selected migration devices.
This feature allows vertical migration between devices using the same package
Selecting a HardCopy III device as a companion device is similar to adding another
Stratix III device to the migration device chain. The Quartus II software compiles the
design to use the common resources available in all of the selected Stratix III devices
and HardCopy III devices.
The HardCopy III companion device becomes the target device when you create the
HardCopy Companion revision.
Figure 3–1 displays the Device Settings page, where you choose the companion
device for the target device selected. The Device panel lists appropriate companion
devices based on the target device you select.
3–2 Chapter 3: Mapping Stratix III Device Resources to HardCopy III Devices
HardCopy III and Stratix III Mapping Options
HardCopy III Device Handbook, Volume 2 © December 2008 Altera Corporation
1 With the Quartus II software version 8.0, HardCopy III is not available as a target
device. However, HardCopy III is available as a companion device when Stratix III is
selected as the target device.
When you select a HardCopy III companion device, the Quartus II software fits your
design to common resources in the I/Os, clock structures, PLLs, memory blocks, and
core logic for digital signal processing (DSP).
f For more information about compiling with Stratix III and HardCopy III companion
revisions using the Quartus II software, refer to the Quartus II Support for HardCopy
Series Devices chapter in volume 1 of the Quartus II Handbook.
HardCopy III and Stratix III Mapping Options
HardCopy III ASICs offer a wide range of family options that will map with various
Stratix III FPGAs.
Table 3–1 lists the available HardCopy III and Stratix III companion pairs.
Figure 3–1. Quartus II Device Settings Menu