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AN-003 Using PHYTEC EEPROM Flashtool with
Configuration Files Format
EEPROM Data Layout
Using the EEPROM Flashtool
Using the EEPROM Data
Getting the Script
PHYTEC's EEPROM Flashtool was designed to simplify the configuration of phyCORE-AM57x SoM variants. This is achieved by using the
SoM's EEPROM device to store it's configuration, which is used at boot to configure the target's device tree binary, RAM settings, etc.
accordingly. This allows OEMs to deploy a single image that supports multiple hardware targets.
This application note details the use of the PHYTEC EEPROM Flashtool with PHYTEC AM572x SOMs. The structure, content, and process for
using the EEPROM data is described and examples of how PHYTEC uses the EEPROM data to facilitate hardware bring-up are provided.
Configuration Files Format
The EEPROM Flashtool configuration files are text files comprised of sections, properties, and values. For this application note, we will use the P
configuration file to detail the function and population options of each section. A section is indicated by a set of square brackets that CM-057.ini
enclose the name of that section. A property and value pair in any given section is formed as 'property: value'. A general example is given below:
Example Flashtool configuration file structure
property0: value
property1: value
property2: vaule
Required Configuration File Sections:
In each required section below, a description of the section is given and its options follow.
This section and all of the following properties are required for all configuration files to specify the basic configuration of the SOM and how to
properly parse the rest of the configuration file.
i2c_bus: This is the I2C bus on which the EEPROM resides in decimal format.
i2c_dev: This is the I2C device ID for the EEPROM in hex format.
eeprom_offset: This is the offset at which the EEPROM data will be written. This should be set to zero for use with PHYTEC BSPs.
Decimal format.
kit_options: This is the number of possible kit options for any given PHYTEC SOM. AM572x-based PHYTEC SOMs have nine kit
options. Decimal format.
If using BSP-Yocto-TISDK-AM57xx-PD18.1.0 pre-built images and your kernel build timestamp is older than:
"Linux version 4.9.41-ga962b18-BSP-Yocto-TISDK-AM57xx-PD18.1.0 (jenkins@jenkins1-build-machine) (gcc version 6.2.1 20161016
(Linaro GCC 6.2-2016.11) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Jan 25 20:39:40 PST 2018"
you must upgrade the PHYTEC EEPROM Flashtool on the target before following this guide. Click to manually update the
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mod_version: This is the number associated with the module type (see table below). AM572x-based PHYTEC SOMs are of the PCM
type. Decimal format.
Module Type Value
This section is required for all configuration files to specify the names of the kit options for each given configuration file. The number of properties
in this section should match the number specified in the kit_options property of the PHYTEC section above. Each property in this section must be
a number that corresponds to the zero-based index of the kit options specified by the BOM. The value for each property corresponds to the plain-
text name for a kit option. Kit options and their value pair for AM572x-based PHYTEC SOMs are listed in the table below.
Kit Option Index (property) Kit Option Name (value)
4 Controller Type
6 Ethernet
8 Temperature
This section is required for all configuration files to specify the known (and allowed) kit options and BOM revisions to be used with the EEPROM
Flashtool. Each property in this section is a string that represents a set of kit options and the value for each property represents the maximum
known BOM revision for that set of kit options. A property in this section can be a KSP number, such as KSP01, but the following KSP section mu
be populated with the same KSP number or the EEPROM Flashtool will
This section is required for all configuration files that have KSP properties in the above Known section. Each property in this section is a string
that corresponds to the KSP number and the value for each property is a string that represents the kit options for the KSP. The value for all
properties in this section should exactly match with a property in the Known section.
Kit-specific Configuration File Sections:
One section must be added to the configuration file for each entry in the above Kit section. An added section name must exactly match the value
of a property in the Kit section. Each kit-specific configuration file section will describe the kits listed in the 'Kits' section.
EEPROM Data Layout
The PHYTEC EEPROM data layout is a 32-byte structure located at offset 0 on the EEPROM. The following table details each entry in the
structure for the PHYTEC AM572x SOM EEPROM layout.
Byte Name Description
1-4 header PHYTEC EEPROM header. Unsigned 4-
byte integer.
5 api_version PHYTEC EEPROM layout API version.
Unsigned 1-byte integer.