Robert J. Castilone and Thomas A. Hanson
Corning Incorporated
Corning, NY 14831
An experiment was performed to examine the strength and dynamic fatigue performance of polymer
coated optical fiber after various aging conditions including: 30-day hot-humid zero stress aging, shelf
life aging, and cyclic hot-humid aging. When compared to as-received fiber, the strength and stress
corrosion resistance (n
) increased with both 30-day hot-humid aging and shelf life aging. The strength
and fatigue values of the 2-year-old shelf life fiber showed a strong resemblance to the values from the
30-day hot-humid aging experiment. Testing was also performed at 50% R.H. and 100% R.H. to
determine how the test environment affects the mechanical properties of the fiber. Strength values at
100% R.H. were lower compared with values tested at the standard 50% R.H. This is consistent with
changes in the B parameter. For the as-received fiber, there was no significant change in n
between 50%
and 100% R.H., however the aged n
appeared to be slightly higher at the 100% R.H. condition compared
to the 50% R.H. environment. It was also determined that cycling humidity and temperature during aging
had no impact on strength or fatigue of the fibers tested.
Zero stress aging of optical fiber has been and continues to be of interest in understanding the mechanical
behavior during the fibers lifetime. The aged fiber performance is commonly measured by performing
dynamic strength and fatigue measurements after exposure to a hot-humid environment for a period of
time. This condition is designed to simulate a lifetime of harsh aging in the field. The ability of a fiber
to withstand the environments in which it is exposed and maintain its pristine strength is of importance to
insure continued functionality and handleability in the field. Several studies have examined the effect of
aging on fiber strength. Aged glass surfaces have been examined using Atomic Force Microscopy
It was determined that strength degradation was directly related to pits which developed on the
glass surface. The roughness was attributed to dissolution of silica during the aging process. This
resulted in high stress concentrations in the pitted regions, thus resulting in lower strength values. It is
important to note that although strength reduction can occur due to zero stress aging, the strength levels
are not reduced to levels where long-term reliability is an issue. Recently, it has been suggested that
cyclic aging of fibers between wet and dry conditions may also lead to strength reduction.
It has been determined that water penetrates through typical polymer coatings rapidly, in as little as ten
If moisture readily reaches the glass surface and leads to pitting, it would be expected that
strength degradation would consistently occur with standard accelerated aging tests. However, studies
have shown that strength degradation does not always occur after aging, and strength and dynamic
fatigue values can even increase after aging.
The secondary coating chemistry, which can act as a
moisture barrier, has been shown to play a role in the susceptibility of a fiber to strength reduction.
Clearly, a dependence between aging and coating type is present.
It is the purpose of this paper to investigate the strength and fatigue behavior of pristine fiber as it is
exposed to various environments and conditions. Zero stress aging at 85°C/85% R.H. for 30 days was
performed to understand how the strength and fatigue performs after hot-humid exposure. The test was
performed at both 50% R.H. and 100% R.H. environments to determine the influence of the test
environment on dynamic stress corrosion parameters (n
and B). Also performed was a time after draw
study to determine how the fibers mechanical properties vary with shelf life. Finally, the cyclic aging
study was performed to see how the fiber performs when altered between a hot-humid and a room
temperature-dry environment.
Experimental Procedure
All fibers tested were standard dual-polymer coated silica optical fibers. Samples were aged 30-days
using a standard temperature-humidity chamber. Fiber was aged on 6-inch diameter glass spools. The
tension on these spools is minimal and zero stressaging is assumed. Cyclic aged samples were
alternated between an 85°C/85% R.H. environment and a 23°C/dry environment each day for 60 days.
Both the aged and the cyclic aged samples saw a total of 30-days in 85°C/85% R.H. for comparison
purposes. The dry environment was set to 0% R.H., however in actuality the humidity varied between 10
and 15%. Time after draw samples were tested at various shelf life intervals up to 3 years. The samples
were stored on standard shipping reels in a constant 23°C/50% R.H. environment.
Dynamic fatigue testing was performed on the samples using four strain rates: 0.025%/min., 0.25%/min.,
2.5%/min, and 25%/min. Samples were tested using the following two methods: a horizontal ganged
rotating-capstan tester, and a vertical stationary-capstan tester. Each apparatus contains sixteen separate
load capstans and corresponding load cells to minimize the time required to perform the tests. The
testing was performed in a controlled 23°C±2°/50%±5% R.H. environment. The 100% R.H.
environment was achieved using a water bath and cover over the horizontal test bench. Actual stressing
rates were recorded, and along with the breaking stress, were used to calculate fatigue parameters of each
fiber tested. Statistical Weibull strength information was obtained by examination of one or more of the
strain rates tested.