Process Change Notice #1204181
W7206F1 P r oc e ss Chan ge Not ice Form rev AB
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PCN Date: 4/18/2012 Effective Date: 10/18/2012
Title: End Of Life for Si2107, Si2108, Si2109, Si2110
Originator: Eric Garlepp Phone: +512 532 5931 Dept: Broadcast Video
Customer Contact: Kathy Haggar Phone: +512 532 5261 Dept: Inside Sales
PCN Type:
Datasheet Foundry Packing
Product Revision Assembly Labeling
Discontinuance Test Other
Last Order Date: 10/18/2012
PCN Details
Description of Change:
Silicon Labs is announcing the End Of Life for all the satellite receiver products: Si2107, Si2108,
Si2109, Si2110 and t he re lat ed ev aluati o n ki t s.
Reason for Change:
Insufficient customer demand.
Impact on Form, Fit, Function, Quality, Reliability:
Product Identification:
Si2107-D-FM(R) / Si2108-D-FM(R) / Si2109-D-FM(R) / Si2110-D-FM(R)
Last Date of Unchanged Product:
All orders, including Last Time Buy orders, for these products must be placed by the PCN
effective date of 18Oct2012 and have a customer requested delivery date within 12 months,
18Apr2013, of the PCN issuance date. Any orders with a customer request date between the
PCN effective date of 18Oct2012 and 18Apr2013, or 12 months from PCN issuance, will be non-
cance l la ble an d n on-returnable.
Customer Early Acceptance Sign Off:
Customers may approve early PCN acceptance by completing the information below:
Early Acceptance: Date:
Email your early Acceptance approval to:
Qualific ati on Data: