Frequency : 100[kHz]
Product specifications in this catalog are subject to change without notice.Request our product specifications before purchase and/or use. Please use our products based on the information contained in this catalog and product specifications.
CAT. No. E1008Y 2024156
Always read "Notes on Use" before using the product in order to enable you to use the product correctly and prevent any faults
and accidents from occurring.
Request the Product Specification on the product of NIPPON CHEMI-CON CORPORATION to refer to it as well as this brochure
prior to the order of the products. Some specific notes on use of the ordered product may be described in the specifications.
The products listed in this catalog are designed and manufactured for general electronics equipment use and are not intended for
use in applications that can adversely affect human life; where the malfunction of equipment may cause damage to life or
property. In addition, our products are not intended to be used in specific applications that may cause a major social impact.
Please consult with us in advance of usage of our products in the following listed applications. Aerospace equipment Power
generation equipment such as thermal power, nuclear power etc. Medical equipment Transport equipment (automobiles,
trains, ships, etc.) Transportation control equipment Disaster prevention / crime prevention equipment Highly publicized
information processing equipment Submarine equipment Other applications that are not considered general-purpose
The circuits described as examples in this catalog and the "delivery specifications" are featured in order to show the operations
and usage of our products, however, this fact does not guarantee that the circuits are available to function in your equipment
systems. We are not in any case responsible for any failures or damage caused by the use of information contained herein. You
should examine our products, of which the characteristics are described in the "delivery specifications" and other documents, and
determine whether or not our products suit your requirements according to the specifications of your equipment systems.
Therefore, you bear final responsibility regarding the use of our products.
Please make sure that you take appropriate safety measures such as use of redundant design and malfunction prevention
measures in order to prevent fatal accidents and/or fires in the event any of our products malfunction.
We strongly recommend our customers to purchase Nippon Chemi-Con products only through our official sales channels. We
assume no responsibility for any defects or damages caused by using products purchased from outside our official sales channel
or of counterfeit goods. In addition, we will ask the customer to pay the investigation cost for products purchased outside our
official sales channel.
We reserve the right to discontinue production and delivery of products. We do not guarantee that all the products included in this
catalog will be available in the future.
The aforementioned does not apply in the case of individual agreements deviating from the foregoing for customer-specific
We continually strive to improve the quality and reliability of our products, but in any case that our product does not meet our
published specifications, please stop using it promptly and contact us immediately. As for compensation for non-conforming goods
delivered by Chemi-Con, we will limit it only to goods found in non-compliance of our published specifications. This may be
accomplished by a no cost replacement of non-conforming individual products, a credit of the piece price paid per each individual
non-conforming product, or in other ways deemed necessary.
In addition, we have an established system with enhanced traceability, therefore we will limit the applicable lot items for any
potential compensation.
Standard Specifications
Precautions and Guidelines
Minimum Order Quantity
Coil Design Request
Product specifications in this catalog are subject to change without notice.Request our product specifications before purchase and/or use. Please use our products based on the information contained in this catalog and product specifications.
CAT. No. E1008Y 2024
Product Guide