About Ai-Thinker Rd-Kit can work with 6
radar modules, what’s it exactly??
Rd-Kit is a radar Bluetooth baseboard developed by Ai-Thinker Co., Ltd. The Bluetooth
backplane core processor chip PHY6252 (SSOP24) is a highly integrated low-power Bluetooth
system-on-chip (SoC).
We developed it adapted the hardware to Rd-02B and Rd-02C. , Rd-03, Rd-03D,
Rd-03E and Rd-04 module, a total of 6 radar modules, specially designed for radar
debugging scenarios.
The software is currently adapted to 4 radar modules: Rd-03, Rd-03D, Rd-03E and Rd-04.
Among them, Rd-03 has 70cm resolution firmware and 24cm resolution firmware, and
Rd-03E has precision ranging firmware and gesture recognition firmware.
1. Hardware prepare
2. Software prepare
Ai Net assistant APP: Android APP
Ai Net assistant APP
IOS APP wait for update
3. Rd-Kit status indicator lights and buttons
4. Use Rd-Kit configuring with Rd-03
1. Connect Rd-03 to Rd-Kit. Before connecting to the radar, the Radar LED flashes
slowly. After the connection is successful, the Radar LED turns off.