SNA5000A Series
Vector Network
S N A 5 000 A Da ta S h e et 1
1 General Description
The SIGLENT SNA5000A series of Vector
Network Analyzers have a frequency range
of 9 kHz to 8.5 GHz and 100 kHz to 26.5 GHz,
which support 2/4-port scattering parameter,
differential-parameter, and time-domain
parameter measurements. The SNA5000A
series of VNAs are effective instrumentation
for determining the Q-factor, bandwidth, and
insertion loss of a filter, They feature
impedance conversion, movement of
measurement plane, limit testing, ripple test,
fixture simulation, and adapter
removal/insertion adjustments. The VNAs
have five sweep types: Linear-Frequency
mode, Log-Frequency mode, Power-Sweep
mode, CW-Time mode, and Segment-Sweep
mode. The SNA5000A series VNAs also
support scattering-parameter correction of
SOLT, SOLR, TRL, Response, and
Enhanced Response for increased flexibility
in R&D and manufacturing applications.
2 Features
Frequency range: 9 kHz - 8.5 GHz and
100 kHz - 26.5 GHz
Frequency resolution: 1 Hz
Level resolution: 0.05 dB
Range of IFBW: 10 Hz~3 MHz
Setting range of output level:
-55 dBm ~ +10 dBm
Dynamic range: 125 dB
Types of calibration: Response calibration,
Enhanced Response calibration, Full-one
port calibration, Full-two port calibration,
Full-three port calibration, Full-four port
calibration, TRL calibration
Types of measurement: Scattering-
parameter measurement, differential-
parameter measurement, receiver
measurement, time-domain parameter
analysis, limit test, ripple test, impedance
conversion, fixture simulation, adapter
removal/insertion, spectrum analysis
frequency offset, scalar mixer
measurement, pulse measurement
Internal Bias-Tee connections
Interface: LAN, USB Device, USB Host
Remote control: SCPI/ Labview/ IVI based
on USB-TMC / VXI-11 / Socket /Telnet /
12.1-inch touch screen
Video output: HDMI