Jason Konrath PhD
How Movella DOT can help
make your ideas move
The Movella DOT
is a high quality, robust and affordable wearable sensor development
platform, built by innovators for innovators. It uses a state-of-the-art signal processing
and sensor fusion framework which has been optimized for human movement
applications. This provides entrepreneurs, developers and inventors with a set of
tools to measure human motion while providing ecological validity from being in the
users natural environment. The Movella DOT utilizes BLE 5.0 and contains a software
development kit (SDK) to use with both Android and iOS devices. With the ability to
capture and deliver precise results, the Movella DOT can help make your ideas move.
In recent decades, wearable technology has undergone great progress. As a society, we
have officially embarked upon the 4th industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0 as you will see
throughout the literature. This latest revolution has undertaken tremendous adoption
of sensor-based technologies, with the internet of things (IoT) driving this revolution.
As a result, the boundaries between physical, biological and technological worlds are
being merged like never before. A direct application of this latest state of the art, is the
use of human motion tracking technology to achieve important analyses across fields
of medicine, exercise and health; pushing the boundaries of human digital interaction.
Importantly, these capabilities are now at your fingertips with the introduction of the
Movella DOT, a sensor development platform to help you make any human movement idea
a reality. Over 20 years of motion tracking experience is able to be integrated into your
applications, eliminating many of the technical hurdles, so you can focus on an immediate
entry into the market.
Connecting the dots in human movement 2