UG392: Using Silicon Labs Green Power
with Zigbee EmberZNet PRO
This application note introduces the Silicon Labs Green Power
components within the Zigbee EmberZNet PRO stack and ex-
plains how to enable a network for Green Power. This document
assumes readers are familiar with the basic Green Power con-
cepts discussed in UG103.15: Silicon Labs Green Power Funda-
Introduces Green Power.
Describes a basic Green Power network.
Explains Green Power commissioning and
operational model.
Describes the Silicon Labs Green Power
devices, their plugins, and callbacks. | Building a more connected world. Copyright © 2023 by Silicon Laboratories Rev. 0.5
1. Introduction to Green Power
Green Power (ZGP) is included in the Zigbee 3.0 specification (Z3) (Zigbee Alliance, Zigbee 3.0 specification). It is an end-to-
end open standard that allows ultra-low power devices called Green Power Devices (GPDs) to operate on Zigbee networks.
Green Power is actually a number of technologies combined into one global standard that includes these features (Zigbee Green Pow-
er, Cam Williams):
Energy harvesting technology.
Includes mechanical, heat, light, pressure (piezo), and other energy harvesting technology.
Ultra-low power RF silicon that uses many orders of magnitude less power than required for a sleepy or fully networked wireless
Uses ultra-low power, non-volatile memory such as Ferroelectric RAM (FRAM).
An open, global standard network technology that saves even more energy by reducing packet length, round trips, connection redis-
covery, and on-network time for devices that may be offline for extended periods of time.
Zigbee 15.4 2.4Ghz modules
An open, global, standard application layer protocol that supports compressed messages and limited transactions using:
Zigbee Application Framework (AF)
Zigbee Cluster Library (ZCL)
UG392: Using Silicon Labs Green Power with Zigbee EmberZNet PRO
Introduction to Green Power | Building a more connected world. Rev. 0.5 | 2