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Magnetec GmbH I Green Building I Marie-Curie-Str. 1 I 63457 Hanau I I
Magnetec Simulation ToolMagnetec Simulation Tool
Efficiency is our passion
Magnetec provides excellent product design and simu-
lation support through a single tool:
The Magnetec Simulation Tool
Create your own custom design with various shapes
and dimensions and receive instant feedback on its
basic manufacturability.
Comparison of three dierent designs
Simulate dierent permeability levels, compare your
designs, generate a simulation report with all relevant
characteristics, create a spice model for AC analysis
with a single mouse click, and see if standard products
comparable to your design are available.
If you require assistance or additional information on your
design, you can always contact our Magnetec application
engineers by submitting a request directly from the tool.
What can you simulate?
EMC Cores
What can you do with the
Simulation Tool?
Create your individual designs
Save your designs for future use
Compare your designs simulation to your other
previously created designs
Compare your designssimulations to existing products
Check feasibility
Create and export simulation reports for your designs
Contact Magnetec application engineers for assistance
Create a request directly from the tool
Watch the introduction videos on You-
Tube for more information on how to use
the Magnetec Simulation Tool.
Try it for yourself! Begin your own design
now in the Magnetec Simulation Tool.
Magnetec GmbH I Green Building I Marie-Curie-Str. 1 I 63457 Hanau I I