Effective Date:
EOL Issue Date:
PCN Type:
Mar 08, 2023
Mar 14, 2024
Datasheet; Discontinuance
Description of Change
Silicon Labs announces an End of Life (EOL) and Last Time Buy (LTB) for parts listed in Product Identification section.
Existing customers may place LTB orders per the key dates above and guidelines listed in this EOL form.
All customer orders with a Customer Requested Delivery Date (CRD) between the Last Time Buy (Order) Date and the EOL
Effective Date will be Non-Cancellable and Non-Returnable (NCNR). As of this EOL Date, Silicon Labs will no longer accept
customer orders with a CRD beyond the EOL Effective Date.
Note: Silicon Labs will accept customer orders that are received prior to the Last Order Date shown above, but does not
guarantee that it will be able to fill all or part of any orders due to limited availability, manufacturing issues or other reasons
beyond Silicon Labsreasonable control. Estimated delivery dates beyond normal lead time should not be considered as a firm
acceptance or a guarantee of supply at any time.
If you have questions about this EOL, please contact your Silicon Labs sales representative. A list of Silicon Labs sales
representatives is available at www.silabs.com.
2303081431 End of Life Notification for
Select EM34x, EM35x, EM358x and EM359x
Sep 14, 2023
Last Order Date:
Product Identification
Existing Part # Replacement Part # DropInCompInd.
EM342-RT EFR32MG24A010F1024IM48-B No
EM342-RTR EFR32MG24A010F1024IM48-BR No
EM346-RT EFR32MG24A010F1024IM48-B No
EM346-RTR EFR32MG24A010F1024IM48-BR No
EM355-IRT EFR32MG24A010F1024IM48-B No
EM355-IRTR EFR32MG24A010F1024IM48-BR No
EM355-RT EFR32MG24A010F1024IM48-B No
EM355-RTR EFR32MG24A010F1024IM48-BR No
EM357-IRT EFR32MG24A010F1024IM48-B No
EM357-IRTR EFR32MG24A010F1024IM48-BR No
Reason for Change
Customer demand does not meet minimum manufacturing requirement.
Please note that this EOL only impacts select OPNs specifically listed in the Product Identification section. For some devices it
may only impact the other temperature variant, i.e. EM3581-IRT(R) is impacted, EM3581-RT(R) is not impacted.
New datasheet revisions with updated ordering information:
EM358x v1.1: https://www.silabs.com/documents/public/data-sheets/EM358x.pdf
EM359x v1.1: https://www.silabs.com/documents/public/data-sheets/EM359x.pdf
EM357 High Temperature v1.1 (NDA required)
silabs.com | Building a more connected world.
End of Life (EOL) Change Notice
EM3555-RT EFR32MG24A010F1024IM48-B No
EM3555-RTR EFR32MG24A010F1024IM48-BR No
EM3581-IRT EFR32MG24A010F1024IM48-B No
EM3581-IRTR EFR32MG24A010F1024IM48-BR No
EM3582-IRT EFR32MG24A010F1024IM48-B No
EM3582-IRTR EFR32MG24A010F1024IM48-BR No
EM3582-RT EFR32MG24A010F1024IM48-B No
EM3582-RTR EFR32MG24A010F1024IM48-BR No
EM3585-IRT EFR32MG24A010F1024IM48-B No
EM3585-IRTR EFR32MG24A010F1024IM48-BR No
EM3586-IRT EFR32MG24A010F1024IM48-B No
EM3586-IRTR EFR32MG24A010F1024IM48-BR No
EM3587-IRT EFR32MG24A010F1024IM48-B No
EM3587-IRTR EFR32MG24A010F1024IM48-BR No
EM3588-IRT EFR32MG24A010F1024IM48-B No
EM3588-IRTR EFR32MG24A010F1024IM48-BR No
EM3591-A30-G1DI NA No
EM3591-RT EFR32MG24A010F1024IM48-B No
EM3591-RTR EFR32MG24A010F1024IM48-BR No
EM3592-RT EFR32MG24A010F1024IM48-B No
EM3592-RTR EFR32MG24A010F1024IM48-BR No
EM3596-RT EFR32MG24A010F1024IM48-B No
EM3596-RTR EFR32MG24A010F1024IM48-BR No
EM3599-A30-G1DI NA No
Customer Response
Lack of acknowledgment of the PCN within 30 days constitutes acceptance of the change, Ref. JEDEC-J-STD-046.
To request further data or inquire about this notification, please contact your Silicon Labs sales representative. A list of Silicon
Labs sales representatives is available at http://www.silabs.com.
Customers may approve early PCN acceptance by emailing approval, along with PCN # to PCNEarlyAcceptance@silabs.com
User Registration
Register today to create your account on Silabs.com. Your personalized profile allows you to receive technical document
updates, new product announcements, how-toand design documents, product change notices (PCN) and other valuable
content available only to registered users. http://www.silabs.com/profile
Kit Identification
Orders for the following obsolete kits will no longer be accepted.
Existing Kit # Replacement Kit #
silabs.com | Building a more connected world.
End of Life (EOL) Change Notice