Kathrein Real-Time Location System
Process Automation with Precise Real-Time Location
CrossTalk IoT Suite
The new real-time location system „K-RTLS“ combines high localisa-
tion accuracy in an industrial environment with unique technical fea-
tures which allow a broad use of the system in different applications.
In production, for example, it enables precise monitoring of the manu-
facturing progress and a transparent material flow. The real-time data
about the location and status of the objects available with the RTLS
Picture | Smart Production
Process automation due to precise localisation. It is possible to use RTLS in complex
environments for dierent applications.
Tracking and Digitising
Production and Logistics
Real-Time Location System (K-RTLS) | Components
The system consists of the mobile transponder, which is attached to the moving goods and containers, and the permanently
installed nodes, which serve as a reference point for localisation, as well as the CrossTalk software suite.
form the basis for networking the parties involved and the logistics
processes in their value-added chain. The user can set the system for
high-precision detection of static positions or prefer dynamic detection of
moving goods. The user can set the system for high-precision detection
of static positions or prefer dynamic detection of moving goods.
localisation precision of down to 10 cm
, even in diffi-
cult, reflective environments, as well as the robust, compact hou-
sing design of the transponder allow a broad use in the real-time
tracking of objects in manufacturing and logistics. The transponder
has an innovative, flexible adapter mounting system that can be
dynamically changed for fixed or temporary mounting, for exam-
ple on vehicles or material container trolleys, depending on the
and an NFC
, which are connected to the microcontroller,
have been integrated into the transponder. This allows for a seam-
less combination of applications for localisation and contactless
identification in long-range and near-field applications.
The compact nodes can be easily supplied with power and net-
work via PoE. To keep the installation costs for the network as low
as possible, the nodes also have their own optional 2.4 GHz radio
network for data trasnfer in case of service. This means that only
about 25% of the installed nodes require a cable connection to
the network. The distance between the individual nodes can be
up to 40 meters.
With the CrossTalk software suite, which has been success-
fully used in the market for many years, a very comprehensive
software for the configuration and operation of the hardware is
readily available for the new K-RTLS. For software self-developed
we offer programming interface, where all commands and data
can be accessed by the user
CrossTalk software suite
K-RTLS Node:
K-RTLS Transponder:
Firmware IP67 Housing
Multi-Color LED
Removable Battery
Battery Life
update via the
air interface
in-house construction
and design
battery compartment
with screws
battery 3 V/1500 mAh
with 1000 localisations/day
5 years battery life
IP40 Housing
IP67 Housing
Multi-Color LED
LAN PoE, 24 V
Mounting Adapter
Wireless Backbone
Conguration and
Firmware Update
indoor version
outdoor version
PoE or LAN connection + 24 V
or 24 V +2.4 GHz
Compatible with VESA 100 min.
10 cm distance to the wall
node to node without LAN,
2.4 GHz communication,
IEEE 802.15.4
via LAN and 2.4 GHz
Visual zone editor for RTLS infrastructure applikation.