Gasket Tape
Series 1000
When installing GORE
Gasket Tape Series 1000 in joints with multiple (2 or more) gaskets compressed with a single
set of bolts or clamps, see the installation supplement “Installation on Joints with Multiple Gaskets” for additional
mandatory instructions.
Assemble required tools and materials
Appropriate size and amount of GORE
Gasket Tape
Series 1000 as determined by this guide
Gasket Tape Series 1000 shimming tape, if
needed, as determined by this guide
Fasteners and ancillary items such as spring washers as
specified by flange manufacturer
Calibrated torque wrench(s)
Sharp straight edge knife
Knife sharpener
Optional skive cutting guide tool
For use of 6 mm base layer and possible shimming:
Feeler gauges for 1.7, 3.2, 4.7 mm (0.07, 0.13, 0.19 in.)
with ±0.1 mm accuracy
For use of 9 mm base layer only: Feeler gauge for
2.5 mm (0.10 in.) with ±0.1 mm accuracy
Fine tip permanent marker (for gasket tape)
Large tip permanent marker (for flange)
Glass cleaning and drying supplies
Fastener cleaning and lubricating supplies
PPE as required by site, including cut-resistant gloves
and eye protection
Approved flange-specific installation torque target
1.1 Obtain flange dimensions needed for gasket
Determine flange ID, flange OD and sealing surface width
before flange rounding (Figure 1). Determine flange
circumference for gasket tape length.
1.2 Measure Flange Deviations
Measure and mark flange surface deviation around
full flange circumference to within ±0.1 mm, for use in
selection of gasket thickness (Section 1.4) and shimming
requirements (Section 1.5). Figure 6 illustrates an example
of completed flange deviation markings and associated
Ensure that flanges are clean of all contamination
and debris that could cause errors in flange
deviation measurement.
Place a separator between the flanges to avoid glass-
to-glass contact while measuring flange deviation.
Separator material must be flat and uniform thickness,
non-compressible under the weight of the top flange
placement, and thin / flexible enough to conform to
bottom flange deviations during measurement (example:
fiber board). Close and align the flanges without
compressive load beyond equipment weight. Around the
entire flange circumference, use a feeler gauge to measure
the deviation between the top / removable flange and the
non-compressible separator, to an accuracy of ± 0.1 mm
(±0.01”). It may be necessary to carefully manipulate the
separator with the feeler gauge, so that all flange deviation
can be measured from one side of the separator. On the
stationary / bottom flange, mark all start and end points
where the prescribed thickness of feeler gauge could be
inserted. Refer to required tools for specific feeler gauge
requirements. Refer to Table 2 and Figure 6 for additional
detail, based on use of a 6mm base layer. Be sure to mark
a flange reference mark on both flanges to allow for flange
realignment at assembly. Remove separator.
FIGURE 1. Determining Gasket Dimensions.
Inset: Gasket Width and Placement
1.3 Select Gasket Width
Minimum gasket width is full coverage of the contacting
glass surfaces. Ideal gasket width extends from flange ID
to OD, as shown in Figure 1 inset. Excess material should
be distributed evenly beyond ID and OD to keep the barrier
core roughly centered on the flange sealing surface.
Excess OD must not interfere with clamp placement.
1.4 Select Gasket (Base Layer) Thickness
Most applications require a base layer of 6 mm (1/4”)
tape, which can accommodate deviation up to 1.7 mm
(0.07”) without shimming. Applications with deviation
up to 2.5 mm (0.10”) can utilize 9 mm (3/8”) tape without
1.5 Select Shimming
To effectively seal flanges with deviations beyond the
maximum for the base layer, additional shimming material
is required. Use 3 mm (1/8”) GORE
Series 1000 shim tape
as directed in Section 2.6. Ensure the shimming material
has the same width as the base layer.
Gasket Installation
2.1 Open Flanged Connection
For ease of installation, open the flanges a minimum of
15 cm (6”). Ensure the flanges are well secured for a safe
working environment.
2.2 Clean and Dry Sealing Surface Thoroughly
To ensure optimal adhesion, remove all oil, graphite,
and/or other residue. Flange surface must be clean and
completely dry for the gasket placement adhesive to
adhere on glass.
2.3 Perform Initial Skive Cut
Unwind about 0.5 m (1.5 ft) of GORE
Gasket Tape Series
1000. Cut the end with a sharp knife on a clean, firm
surface using the skiving technique. It is recommended
that the first skive cut be made in a convenient location
but not on flange surface (Figure 2). Hint: Mark the desired
straight diagonal line on the side of the gasket tape with a
fine tip permanent marker.
FIGURE 2. First Skive Cut
TABLE 1. Skive Dimensions
Tape thickness
Skive cut length
Thickest skive
section (h), at
target of ~1.3x (t)
6 mm (1/4”) 30–40 mm (1 1/4”) 8 mm (1/3”)
9 mm (3/8”) 45–60 mm (2”) 12 mm (1/2”)
3 mm (1/8”) 15-20 mm (3/4”) N/A
The length of the skive cut (Ls), should match the
dimension in Table 1. Avoid making it shorter. The resulting
skive angle is approximately 10°.
When using the skiving technique to cut the gasket
tape, it is critical that the skive end meets the flange
smoothly, avoiding any step. Refer to Figure 2.
2.4 Apply Base Layer of Gasket Tape
When positioning the skived end of the gasket tape on
the flange to start the base layer, the skived end must
be at a location of a clamp or bolt, and must be where
no shimming is needed. Ideally the location would have
minimal flange deviation, even within the allowable
deviation for the base layer. Try to avoid locations where
obstructions will hinder access for the second skive cut.
Remove the adhesive’s backing immediately before the
the gasket tape is installed, to prevent the adhesive strip
from picking up dirt prior to placement. When starting to
remove the backing film from the adhesive, take care not to
separate the adhesive from the gasket tape.
The adhesive performs best on a glass surface that is
clean and at a temperature comfortable to the touch.
Glass surface MUST be completely dry. If necessary,
gently warm flange to remove any condensation.
Bend small increments of gasket tape to the required
flange arc and apply the side with exposed adhesive to
the flange, pressing out any gaps between the gasket
and flange surface. Complete placement of the base layer
in sections of about 25 cm (1 ft.) at a time, ensuring that
each section is properly positioned and adhered to the
flange before beginning installation of the next section of
gasket. Apply a base layer to the full circumference of the
flange in this manner. On some smaller flanges the gasket
may intermittently re-lift and exhibit “waviness” near the
ID of the gasket. This is acceptable and will be flattened
later when the top flange is placed and torqued. However,
smooth and complete gasket contact with the flange
must be maintained along the OD part of the gasket as a
guide for proper gasket positioning, following the same
curvature as the flange.
Gasket Tape
Series 1000
~10 degrees
End must not
have step