©2018 Advanced Energy Industries, Inc.
Created by
Advanced Energy Industries, Inc.
Semiconductor manufacturers face ever-increasing pressure
to maximize yield. Ignition failures of remote plasma sources
undermine that goal, causing tool shutdown and process
This paper describes the advantages of Advanced Energy’s
Xstream®, which utilizes pulsed power for ignition and a
transformer induced power delivery system during chamber
cleaning operations. Advanced Energy has designed
Xstreams pulsed power with multiple igniters (as opposed
to a single-igniter design) to optimize error-free ignition,
even during cold starts. We also employ a dual-transformer
induced power delivery system to the main power system
that enables stable transition from ignition mode to operation
mode. Finally, Xstreams multiple segments of electrodes
extend chamber life by distributing voltage load across the
plasma chamber.
As a result, Xstream can help semiconductor manufacturers
improve yield by decreasing unwanted sputtering and
eliminating ignition failure during the production process.
Advanced Energy has demonstrated these advantages
through testing and provides the details of this test below.
Table of Contents
Xstream Plasma System 2
Conclusions 10
References 10
Advanced Ignition of Remote Plasma Sources
Using Pulsed Ignition and Power Load
Distribution with Multiple Igniters
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Xstream Plasma System
1. Plasma in Xstream
1.1 Gas breakdown and plasma sustaining
Plasmas can be classified into two main categories:
1. Fully ionized plasmas where the ions and electrons are close to thermal equilibrium, which are
referred to as “hot plasmas” and
2. Weakly ionized plasmas operating in non-equilibrium, which are referred to ascold plasmas”
Weakly charged plasma is primarily used in the semiconductor manufacturing process. One of
the characteristics of cold plasma is its quasi-neutrality, which means that the bulk of the plasma
contains a roughly equal amount of positive and negative charges. In other words, the average
flux of positive charges and negative charges leaving the plasma are identical. On the other hand,
electrons are much more easily energized and more mobile than ions, and therefore escape the
plasma faster than the ions. To equalize the flux of ions and electrons, the plasma is charged to
a positive potential compared to its boundaries. As a result, a space charge region, called the
sheath, builds up between the plasma and all the surfaces. Positive charges are accelerated in
the sheath outwards from the plasma while the negative charges (especially the electrons) are
repelled into the plasma.
After ignition, external electron excitation is required to sustain plasma. This excitation is generally
performed using an external radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic field that excites and accelerates
the electrons. The frequency is generally too high for the low-mobility ions to follow the electromag-
netic field variations, while the light and mobile electrons follow the variations of the electromagnetic
field. Therefore, most of the energy is delivered to the electrons.
There are several modes of RF excitation: capacitive coupling, inductive coupling/ transformer
coupling, and microwave coupling. Xstream uses transformer coupling (TCP) and, to ensure
proper injection of power, an active matching network to align the output impedance of the power
supply with the impedance of the plasma.
1.2 Downstream Plasmas
Remote plasma sourcing is the process methodology in which the plasma chamber is separate
from the wafer process chambers. Among the various RF couplings, TCP has been widely used
for many years for remote plasma generation. One of the main advantages of TCP is that the