RocketPort® and RocketModem Driver Installation for Linux 1
and RocketMod em
Driver Installation for Linux
You can use this document to install and configure the RocketPort/RocketModem
Linux device driver.
Note: The Linux operating system is distributed from several sources. While all
distributions share general file structure and functionality, there are
differences that can impede the installation of device drivers. The
instructions in this document outline a generic installation procedure. You
may need to adjust for differences in a particular distribution using the
Linux system documentation as a reference.
This document assumes that you have already installed the Linux operating
system (
kernel version 2.0 or higher) and that you have a basic understanding of
Linux OS operation.
Installation Procedure
Use thi s procedure to install the driver.
1. If you have not done so already, install the hardware using the Hardware
Installation doc u m e n t atio n.
2. If necessary, down
load the current device driver, copy and extract the files to
the /usr/src directory on the Linux system. For example:
Change to the /usr/src directory and use the untar command.
cd /usr/src
tar xzvf filename.tar.gz
A subdirectory of /usr/src now exists called comtrol. This contains the
RocketPort/RocketModem driver and associated files.
3. Recompile the RocketPort/RocketModem driver.
Note: This is not always necessary, depending on the version of your kernel,
but it is safe to do.
make clean
4. Install the RocketPort/RocketModem driver as root:
make install
5. If you are using more than one ISA RocketPort/RocketModem board, or have
installed an ISA RocketPort or RocketModem board at a non-standard
address, you will n eed to se t up th e f ile /etc/rocketport.conf. The /usr/src/comtrol
directory contains a sample rocketport.conf file. Copy it to the /etc directory and
edit it according to the comments contained in the file.
Note: This step is NOT necessary, if you are using only PCI RocketPort or
RocketModem boards.
6. Optionally, edit your /etc/rc.d/rc.S file (or other appropriate boot-up script) so
that the rc.rocket script runs automatically each time your system boots. This
is done for you a utomatically if yo u are using a system wit h System V init files,
such as is used in the RedHat or Debian releases.
RocketPor and RocketModem Driver Installation for Linux 2
Accessing Higher Baud Rates
7. Either reboot to load the driver into the currently running system, or
manually load the driver running the rc.rocket script with the start argument.
For example:
/rc.rocket start
8. Configure your applications and/or your getty scripts as appropriate for your
Note: The RocketModem looks to Linux like a RocketPort card with modems
attached; you can refer to the RocketModem AT command set on the
Comtrol CD or ftp/web sites.
9. For
PCI-ONLY installation:
Edit the rocketport.conf script to remove or comment out the boardx=0xxx"
10. Optionally, edit your /etc/rc.d/rc.S† file so that the rc.rocket script runs
automatically each time the system boots. For example:
/bin/sh /etc/rc.d/rc.rocket
This file may have a different file name, depending upon the Linux
distribution type.
Note: The rc.rocket script requires that setrocket be installed in the /bin
directory. The setrocket program creates the ttyRx devices (where x is a
number designating the port). The setrocket program is structured much
like the familiar setserial program, and performs a similar function.
11. Reboot the system. The following illustrates a sample load line for the driver
after installing a RocketModemII, 6-port board:
RocketPort device driver module, version x.xx, date
RocketPort controller #0 found at 00:48, 1 AIOP(s) PCI Rock et ModemI I 6-port
Creating devices: ttyR0 ttyR1 ttyR2 ttyR3 ttyR4 ttyR5
RocketPort driver loaded using device #46 initializing RocketModemII’s: ttyR0
ttyR1 ttyR2 ttyR3 ttyR4 ttyR5
Loading firmware...
Loading done
12. Optionally, configure inittab to run the gettys.
13. If applicable, connect the interface box to the controller board (if applicable).
14. If you are installing a RocketPort, connect your pe ripherals to the interface box
or por ts.
If you are installing a RocketModem, connected your cables between the
RocketModem RJ11 connectors and the wall phone jack RJ11 connectors.
Note: If you need pin out information to build cables, see the Hardware
Installation documentation.
15. If necessary, configure your devices.
Accessing Higher Baud Rates
For backwards compatibility with other serial drivers, the device driver supports
the remapping of 38,400 baud to either 57,600 baud or 115,200 baud.
In addition, setrocket can be used to remap 38,400 baud to 230,400 baud. This
can improve performance when using modern, high-speed modems. However, not
all modems support 230,400 baud, check your modem manual for more details.
Execute setrocket without any parameters to get a usage message.
If your system has a recent shared libc installed and your communications
programs have been recompiled to take advantage of 57,600 and 115,200 baud
rates, then you may not need to use the remapping option. 230,400 baud still