Comtr ol IO-Link Master
Changing IO-Link Device Parameters
Using the IO-Link Device Port Table
Tech Tip
This document provides an example of how to use the IO-Link Device Port table to edit IO-Link device parameters after loading an
IODD file. In addition, this shows how reset the IO-Link device to default factory settings.
Changing IO-Link Device Parameters (IO-Link Devic e Port Table)
You must load the associated IODD file for an IO-Link device before you can use the IO-Link Device Port table to
change parameter values. If necessary, refer to the
Loading IODD Files Application Note. Optionally, you can use the
IO-Link Device ISDU Interface to change parameters (refer to
Configuring IO-Link Devices Using the IO-Link Device
ISDU Inter face).
Use the following procedure to change parameter values using the IO-Link Device Port table.
1. Click Attached D ev ice s | Port 3 (in this example). The IO-Link device displays as expected in the PORT page.
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