Comtr ol IO-Link Master
IO-Link PDI to Modbus TCP Master
Application Note
This document provides an example of how to configure IO-Link PDI to a Modbus TCP Master using the Comtrol IO-Link
IO-Link PDI to Modbus TCP Master(s) and the Comtrol IO-Link Master
5/26/2015 Page | 2
This Applicat ion Note illustrates IO-Link PDI to Modbus TCP Master using:
Comtrol IO-Link Master (IOLM)
ifm TD2807 Temperature Transmitter
Your implementation may vary depending on the Modbus TCP Master that you are setting up to operate with the IOLM.
The intent of this is to provide an example that you can use during initial installation of the IOLM.
The IOLM can provide connectivity of Process Data and Service Data from IO-Link sensors and actuators to a Modbus
TCP Client. You can connect more than one Modbus client simultaneously. This connectivity is independent of using of
the EtherNet/IP connections, which may be present on the same gateway at the same time. Clients running
simultaneously do not affect each other when activated or deactivated.
Note: Links to other Application Notes point to the
subdirectory. Application Notes are typically protocol-based and function on multiple hardware platforms.
This Applicat ion Note is intended for system integrators or operators who are responsible for programming or configuring
communications between the IOLM and a Modbus TCP Master.
If you need procedures for the following, you can refer to the appropriate User Guide or the IO-Link Master Initial
Installation and Configuration Application Note.
IOLM powered and connected to the network
IOLM IP address configured
If necessary, update the IOLM with the
latest images or applications.