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The Miniature Module is a small form factor solution for
mounting avionics. The solution enables quick and easy
installation and replacement of Line Replaceable Units
(LRUs) in the eld. It consists of:
» A tray that mounts to the aircraft
» An enclosure to hold the electronics
» A locking latch to allow quick and easy installation of the
enclosure to the tray
Much like the ARINC 404A and ARINC 600 solutions in
place today, this ARINC 836A-compliant design offers
interchangeability between manufacturers and standard
mounting provisions. It also:
» Increases the number of installation locations available
» Reduces installation time
» Reduces maintenance cycles
» All but eliminates the need for engineering surveys
compared to custom installations
» Allows multiple units to be stacked horizontally or vertically
due to its modular design
» Is available in double-width and double-height options
Miniature Module for ARINC 836A
Miniature Module ARINC 836A
Small form factor
Easier to allocate space for installation of avionics compared to
traditional solutions
Standardized to ARINC 836A Interchangeability across manufacturers
Compatible with Modular Racking Principle (MRP) rails Ease of installation
Lifecycle tested to 250 cycles Reliability and longevity in the eld
Multiple units can be fastened together to allow for expanded
system capability
Miniature Module Enclosure Miniature Module Tray Miniature Module Locking Latch