Published by
ams OSRAM Group
ams AG T +43 3136 500-0
Tobelbader Strasse 30 F +43 3136 525-01
8141 Premstaetten
Bankverbindungen/ IBAN EUR AT28 1200 0763 1316 1100 BIC BKAUATWW DVR 0420352
Bank accounts BIC BKAUATWW Firmenbuchgericht Graz UID/VAT ATU 28560205
UniCredit Bank Austria AG, Graz IBAN USD AT60 1200 0763 1316 1106 Firmenbuch Nr. FN 34109k
Premstaetten, May 9, 2019
PCN16-2019 (Change to packing in JEDEC trays)
CMV2000 & CMV4000 product family
Dear Customer,
Please be informed that ams AG is introducing JEDEC trays for the packaging of the CMV image
sensor families 2000 & 4000. This change is not affecting any product specifications, only the
packing form.
Affected Device / Product Family
Products: CMV2000 & CMV4000
Changes will be
In order to comply with industry standards, ams will introduce JEDEC conform trays for shipments.
The comparison between our current version and the JEDEC version is summarized in appendix 1.
Purpose of Change
The purpose of this change is to achieve the following customer advantages:
temperature resistance allowing baking at industry standard temperatures (up to 150 °C)
meeting industry and international standards
establish standard for safe handling, transport and storage
more sturdy packaging, better product protection
fixed outline dimensions for all products
stackability within the same device
automated pick & place feasible
standard handling procedure for subcontractors