Published by
ams OSRAM Group
ams AG T +43 3136 500-0
Tobelbader Strasse 30 F +43 3136 525-01
8141 Premstaetten
Bankverbindungen/ IBAN EUR AT28 1200 0763 1316 1100 BIC BKAUATWW DVR 0420352
Bank accounts BIC BKAUATWW Firmenbuchgericht Graz UID/VAT ATU 28560205
UniCredit Bank Austria AG, Graz IBAN USD AT60 1200 0763 1316 1106 Firmenbuch Nr. FN 34109k
Premstaetten, May 9, 2019
PCN16-2019 (Change from Standard to Customized JEDEC Trays)
CMV20000 & CMV50000 product family
Dear Customer,
Please be informed that ams AG is changing the JEDEC trays for the packing of the CMV20000 &
CMV50000 image sensor families. This change is not affecting any product specifications, only the
packing form.
Affected Devices / Product Family: CMV20000 & CMV50000
Material ID Product Description
302030003 CMV20000-1E5C1PN
302030004 CMV20000-1E5C1PA
302040004 CMV20000-1E5M1PA
302390003 CMV50000-1E4M1PA
302390004 CMV50000-1E3M1PN
302860003 CMV50000-1E4C1PA
Purpose of Change
To avoid potential transport markings, ams will introduce customized JEDEC trays for the CMV20000
& CMV50000 product family.
Date of Implementation
Target Q3 2019
Impact on Product
No impact on product is anticipated. There will be no changes in terms of device functionality, form
or fit apart from the different packing.