Introduction to the Comtrol nslinktool:
This will be a very basic introduction to the nslinktool application. This is “as is” and is a “work in
Comtrols’ nslinktool is an X11 based GUI front end that allows the user to perform common
administrative tasks related to the DeviceMaster. The Comtrol nslinktool is written in Python using the
tkinter package and both must be installed to run nslinktool.
1. tkinter package installed on your Linux system
2. The latest Comtrol nslink driver installation. (
Comtrols' nslinktool does not use any environment variables other than those used by the Python and
tkinter packages.
Start by going to your nslink driver installation directory or usr/sbin to run “make” then "make install".
This will install nslinktool in /usr/sbin which is normally on root's PATH after installing tkinter and run
The Comtrol nslinktool performs three major functions:
1. Start/stop/restart the NS-Link device driver and its associated daemon. It also allows the user to
control whether the driver will be started automatically at system boot.
2. Edit the configuration file /etc/nslink.conf.
3. Examine and configure the IP addressing information in DeviceMasters.
Driver Administration
The initial window that is seen when nslinktool is started is the driver administration window. It contains
four lines of status information and seven buttons:
This should start the Comtrol NS-Link GUI as seen here:
Command Button graphics will be shown individually
Status Lines
Init system:
Shows what kind of init system is
loaded as the system.
Kernel module:
Shows whether the nslink kernel
module is currently running in the
kernel. This is based on the
information available in
Shows whether the daemon nslinkd is
currently running. This is based on the
file /var/run/ and the
existence of a matching PID in /proc.
Driver startup:
Shows whether the driver and daemon
are configured to be loaded/run at
system boot. This is determined by
querying the init system in use.