Rapid-IOT to Drone Adapter Board
Last Updated: Mar 11, 2022
The RDDRONE-IOT or HoverGames drone IoT adapter board (HDIB) provides a CAN and serial
interface between the popular NXP RAPID-IOT development kit and the RDDRONE-FMUK66 or
any other PX4 enabled flight controller (such as PixHawk). This allows the Rapid-IoT to be used
as a peripheral, sensor, 802.15.4 Zigbee/Thread radio, LCD display or controller to a drone or
With over 950 additional click modules available, you can quickly plug in anything from a gas
sensor, LED array or LoRa radio module.
This is a developer board with several optional circuit paths that may require soldering
jumpers to configure to your requirements. Consult the schematics for the optional
This board can also be used as a VSCP.org CAN development tool with the addition of one
RDDRONE-IoT Block Diagram Block Diagram
View additional information for Rapid-IOT to Drone Adapter Board.
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