Bionics Kit by Festo
Bionics, or bio-inspired engi-
neering recognizes that nature
has something to teach us. For
billions of years, nature has
successfully engineered natu-
ral, adaptive technologies for
its survival. The organisms and
ecosystems we are surrounded
by face many of the same chal-
lenges that we do.
Studying how nature has devel-
oped solutions for living organ-
isms can be very effective in
terms of solving today’s engi-
neering problems and has
inspired human engineers to
mimic many natural designs to
solve complex problems and
develop incredible technolo-
gies. Over the years, Festo has
explored these principles of
nature through its Bionic Learn-
ing Network. Our engineers
take an innovative “bionic”
approach, imitating elements of
nature to seek solutions to the
challenges facing our auto-
mated world. In the process,
many samples of bionics-
inspired projects have been
developed, which the Bionic
Learning Network’s team of
engineers, designers, and biol-
ogy experts realized could be
used to inspire and engage
learners in the subject of bion-
ics. So, they created the
Bionics4Education innovative
learning environment and
Bionics Kit, which together,
offer students a fascinating,
hands-on experience in the
world of bionics as they com-
plete similar bionic-inspired
projects. Since bionics serves
as a link between biology and
technology, the Bionics Kit is a
perfect addition to any integra-
tive STEM education program.
Explore bionics concepts
Understand and apply the
Fin Ray Effect
Demonstrate how to use
Create three bionic-
inspired models
Control robots using a
Discover technical innova-
tions inspired by nature
Three bionic robots...
DID1180 08/2019 Festo Didactic SE
Festo Didactic SE
Rechbergstraße 3
73770 Denkendorf
Phone: +49(0)711/3467-0
Festo Didactic Inc.
Eatontown, NJ 07724
Phone: +1-732-938-2000
Toll Free: +1-800-522-8658
Festo Didactic Ltée/Ltd
Québec (Québec) G2N 2K7
Phone: +1-418-849-1000
Toll Free: +1-800-522-8658
Additional supplies are required but not provided: Small weights or srews/nuts/bolts
will be needed to balance the sh. Students will also need scissors, AA batteries (4),
and a Phillips-head screwdriver. If you want to see the bionic sh swim, you’ll need a
water basin or sh tank too!
Bionics Kit by Festo
The Bionics Kit contains the
material to build three different
bionic-inspired robots:
1. Bionic sh
2. Bionic elephant
3. Bionic chameleon
Content, including bionics con-
cepts, project instructions, and
career exploration, is available
on the Bionics4Education web-
This comprehensive collection
of information helps guide
learners through their bionics
experience while encouraging
them to ask the right questions
and look to the correct models
in our environment to under-
stand how living things meet
specic functions.
For example, why are sh tails
designed like they are? How
would nature pick up objects?
How does an elephant control
its trunk? How can we optimize
the swimming ability of a sh?
All bionic robots are actuated
by servo drives and controlled
by a microcontroller. Detailed
instructions allow students to
create the robots and easily
control them by using their
...one Bionics Kit
Because all objects can be dis-
assembled and reassembled, it
is possible to create all three
models one after another with
one Bionics Kit. Please contact
Festo Support for pricing infor-
mation and to learn about the
“Learning from Nature,” Inte-
grative STEM learning solution.
The Bionics Kit contains
Material to build the three
bionic robots
4 electronic servos
Arduino-compatible micro-
3D printed Fin Ray Effect
1 2 3