Bihl+Wiedemann Suite + Jack Plug Cable
Bihl+Wiedemann GmbH · Floßwörthstr. 41 · D-68199 Mannheim · Phone: (+49) 621/33996-0 · Fax: (+49) 621/3392239 · eMail: We reserve the right to change any data Mannheim, 28.5.21 page 1
Bundle of Bihl+Wiedemann Suite (BW2902) and
3.5 mm Jack Plug Cable (BW1417)
The Bihl+Wiedemann software ASi Control Tools360 sim-
plifies the addressing, configuration and commissioning
of standard hardware. ASi Control Tools360 are suitable
for performing live diagnostics of configured and detected
devices in the ASi circuit. The software can be used for
configuration, programming as well as for ASi diagnostics
of ASi masters and ASi gateways.
The diagnostic software quickly detects and describes
faults in standard ASi networks and in ASi safety networks.
The user-friendly diagnostic software is mainly used for
commissioning and maintenance intervals and provides
concrete error information and direct suggestions for solu-
tions. The information and solutions are clearly presented
in the software mask and provide even inexperienced ASi
users with direct "help for self-help" in the event of errors
occurring during the test.
Figure Type Diagnostics
Diagnostic Software:
Software to perform a release measurement or independent troubleshooting and preventative diagnostics on a system.
Software to configure safe hardware, to create a safety configuration and to put it into operation.
ASIMON360 Simulation
Software to test an existing ASIMON360 configuration on simulated hardware.
ASi Control Tools360
ASi Control Tools360
Software for addressing, configuring and implementing of non-safety hardware and for simple live diagnostics of planned and detected
devices in the ASi network. ASi Control Tools360 software as stand alone version.
Cable Article no
no no yes
yes (for Rockwell
Article no. BW4723
General data
Name Bihl+Wiedemann Suite - Software for Configuration, Diagnostics and Commissioning
Range of functions ASi Control Tools360: For addressing, configuring and implementing of non-safety hardware and for
simple live diagnostics of planned and detected devices in the ASi network.
Diagnostics software: for release measurement on a system and for autonomous diagnostics and
preventive troubleshooting
Installation options full version - full-featured software of configurations
standard installation (single-user-license) or virtual machine (floating license)
Bihl+Wiedemann Suite + Jack Plug Cable
Bihl+Wiedemann GmbH · Floßwörthstr. 41 · D-68199 Mannheim · Phone: (+49) 621/33996-0 · Fax: (+49) 621/3392239 · eMail:
page 2 Mannheim, 28.5.21 We reserve the right to change any data
Scope of delivery:
Bihl+Wiedemann Suite - Software for Configuration, Diagnostics and Commissioning (art. no. BW2902)
Serial Cable for ASi Scanner (art. no. BW1417)
Software requirements
Software requirements Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1
Win10 (from software package version 3.1.883.240)
Windows .NET Framework 4.0
PDF-Reader for viewing the logs
Hardware requirements a Pentium®- or faster Intel®-processor (or compatible models, such as AMD® or Cyrix®)
at least 500MB of free fixed disk storage
at least 256MB main memory (RAM)
a mouse (recommended) or touchscreen
screen resolution: 1024 x 768 (minimum), 1280 x 768 (recommended)
Compatibility 32bit and 64bit systems
Supported interfaces serial interface (RS232)
Ethernet (UDP)
Documentation software manuals
example programs
Tutorials to support the first local program you’ll find Quick Start Guides and video tutorials in the donwload
section of the article on our website
Article no. BW4723