Rohde & Schwarz Products: Radio Communication Tester R&S
Packet Data Testing with R&S
The Rohde & Schwarz R&S
CMU200 can be configured to perform packet data testing in a Mobile IP or
Simple IP environment.
This application note is intended as a guide to configuring the necessary Mobile IP or Simple IP network
elements and R&S
CMU200 instrument for CDMA2000 1xRTT.
Subject to change – T. Opferman, 2.2007 – 1CM51_4
Packet Data Testing
1CM51_4 2 Rohde & Schwarz
1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 3
2 Definitions ............................................................................................... 3
3 Mobile IP Overview ................................................................................. 5
4 Hardware and Software Requirements for the Dynamics Home Agent
and Foreign Agent........................................................................................ 8
5 R&S
CMU200 Gateway Mobile IP Environment without DHCP ......... 10
CMU200 Mobile IP Gateway Configuration without DHCP... 11
Dynamics Foreign and Home Agent Configuration ......................... 14
MIP Mobile Phone / Windows Host PC Configuration..................... 15
Making a Mobile IP Data Call and transferring data ........................ 16
6 R&S
CMU200 -Standalone Mobile IP Environment without DHCP .... 20
CMU200 Mobile IP Stand Alone Configuration without DHCP
......................................................................................................... 21
MIP Mobile Phone / Windows Host PC Configuration..................... 26
Optional Windows PC Configuration ............................................... 27
Making a Mobile IP Data Call and transferring data ........................ 28
7 R&S
CMU200 -Gateway Mobile IP Environment with DHCP ............. 30
CMU200 Mobile IP Gateway Configuration with DHCP........ 31
Dynamics Foreign and Home Agent Configuration ......................... 33
MIP Mobile Phone / Windows Host PC Configuration..................... 33
Making a Mobile IP Call and transferring data................................. 33
8 R&S
CMU200 -Stand Alone Mobile IP Configuration with DHCP ...... 34
CMU200 Mobile IP Stand Alone Configuration with DHCP .. 34
MIP Mobile Phone / Windows Host PC Configuration..................... 35
Optional Windows PC Configuration ............................................... 35
Making a Mobile IP Call and transferring data................................. 35
9 Packet Data Mobility Management ....................................................... 36
Triggering a Packet Zone Update in the same PDSN/FA ............... 38
Triggering a Packet Zone Update in a different PDSN/FA .............. 39
Testing the Packet Zone Connection Control feature ..................... 41
10 Network Controlled PPP Establishment and Release .......................... 43
Testing BS Inactivity Control (PPP Connected to PPP Dormant) ... 43
Testing BS Inactivity Control (PPP Dormant to PPP Connected) ... 44
Testing MS Packet Dormant Timer Control..................................... 45
11 R&S
CMU200 Mobile IP Design Limitations ....................................... 47
12 Dynamics Mobile IP Design Limitations................................................ 47
13 Simple IP............................................................................................... 48
CMU200 Simple IP Configuration without DHCP.................. 48
14 Rerferences........................................................................................... 50
15 R&S
CMU200 Ordering Information.................................................... 50
Appendix A – Dynamics Software Configuration without DHCP ............... 51
Dynamics Foreign Agent Configuration........................................... 51
Dynamics Home Agent Configuration ............................................. 55
Appendix B – Dynamics Software Configuration with DHCP .................... 61
Dynamics Foreign Agent Configuration........................................... 61
Dynamics Home Agent Configuration ............................................. 63