Luna Sensor Suite for Aircraft Corrosion Monitoring (LS2A)
Luna Innovations Incorporated Revision A, 03/01/2017
Support phone: 1.434.972.9950
1 Significance of the Technology
The Luna Sensor Suite for Aircraft Corrosion Monitoring (LS2A) is being used for evaluating the
effectiveness of corrosion control practices and tracking corrosion of individual aircraft.
The system has
been valuable in identifying the causes of airframe corrosion and is an enabling technology for condition
based maintenance (CBM) for corrosion. The LS2A system continuously records environmental
conditions and atmospheric corrosivity to estimate corrosive damage within an aircraft. Without
individual aircraft corrosion severity measurements, airframes may either be maintained more
frequently than necessary or corrosive conditions may not be detected before significant corrosion
damage occurs. In either case, maintenance costs will be lower and aircraft availability will be higher
when using CBM and LS2A monitoring. The LS2A system meets the need for improved maintenance
practices using individual aircraft tracking to address the escalating costs of corrosion.
The LS2A system is a corrosion monitoring platform that measures both environmental and corrosion
related parameters to continuously quantify the severity of the environment within an airframe. By
measuring specific parameters including relative humidity, surface
temperature, air temperature, contaminants, and aluminum corrosion
rate, the LS2A is capable of tracking the severity of conditions that cause
corrosion. While the system is designed specifically for aerospace
applications where corrosion increases maintenance costs and labor, the
LS2A platform can be used to monitor and survey corrosion severity for
industrial facilities, ground equipment, storage, and distributed assets
such as power transmission or pipelines and ground vehicles. The LS2A
helps owners and operators to preserve high value assets that must
function in harsh environments.
2 Case Studies
The LS2A technology has been used to meet a number of military aircraft needs. Three such use cases
include 1) structural monitoring for more efficient H-53K maintenance and sustainment, 2) evaluation of
the impact of operational tempo and corrosion control strategies on a B-52 deployed in the South
Pacific, and 3) assessing the efficacy of aircraft covers on Navy F-18s and dehumidification of Air Force
2.1 CH-53K Use Case
NAVAIR and Sikorsky are developing integrated health
monitoring systems for the new CH-53K King Stallion
helicopter. The CH-53K will be the largest and heaviest
helicopter in the US military. The US Navy is implementing
structural health monitoring for this aircraft to enable
condition based maintenance. Datasets are collected from a
number of on aircraft monitoring systems including the Luna
LS2A and this information is consolidated in a fleet
management system. By obtaining corrosion and structural
health information using aircraft monitoring integrated with
network based data management, the Navy can more
effectively allocate limited maintenance resources to achieve availability and service life objectives on
F. Friedersdorf, C. Andrews, J. Demo, and M. Putic, “Sensing Systems and Methods for Determining and Classifying
Corrosivity,” US Patent 9,518,915, 2016.
Figure 2. The Navy’s CH-53K heavy lift
Figure 1. Luna’s LS2A Corrosion
Monitoring Sensor Node.
Luna Sensor Suite for Aircraft Corrosion Monitoring (LS2A)
Luna Innovations Incorporated Revision A, 03/01/2017
Support phone: 1.434.972.9950
this new platform. By moving from schedule based corrosion management to condition based
processes, maintenance man-hours (MMH) for inspection and corrosion prevention can be applied
based on individual aircraft need. Through corrosion monitoring and individual aircraft tracking, the
Navy can make informed decisions to prioritize or defer non-destructive inspections and maintenance to
achieve reduced costs and increased aircraft availability.
Similarly, corrosion monitoring with the LS2A system has been shown to enable reduced maintenance
costs and improved aircraft availability. The Navy has performed a benefit analysis for the CH-53K. If a
CH-53K has six sensors and enters depot every 6 years (both Navy estimates), that equates to one
sensor per year, or ~$5,000 per year per aircraft in sensor costs. The cost of a MMH was assessed using
the average hourly wage of an E-5, estimated in 2016 at $47.99.
According to Navy estimates, a fleet
of 200 helicopters would save 250,000 MMH per year by using corrosion sensing. That’s 1,250 MMH
per year per aircraft, meaning that the LS2A enables offsetting a single MMH for $4; a 12x return on
2.2 B-52 Deployment
In February 2014, Boeing installed four LS2A sensor nodes on a B-52 aircraft. While the initial intent of
the effort was to evaluate the efficacy of lightening hole patches, the value of monitoring corrosive
conditions relative to operational tempo quickly became apparent. The sensor nodes were installed in
four locations on the lower longeron within the aft wheel well, with two nodes each on the left and
right-hand sides of the aircraft. Sealing patches were used to cover lightening holes on the lower right
side longeron, while the left side longeron lightening holes were left exposed. The aircraft was deployed
to the Pacific for a period of approximately 9 months to evaluate the effects of operations and the value
of the lightening hole patches.
Figure 3. Percentage of total cumulative corrosion that occurs 12 hours following a landing and corrosion that occurs during
all other times (left). Percentage of total time for post-flight events (right).
A key result obtained from the deployment testing indicated that corrosion was accelerated
immediately after flight activities. Corrosion did not occur at low the temperatures and humidities
present during flight. However, immediately following flight, the cold soaked structure on the ground in
the humid tropical marine environment resulted in very high corrosion rates. In fact, it was observed
that 25% of the total corrosion that occurred during deployment was associated with these post-flight
conditions (within 12 hours after landing), even though the time of these post-flight events only
“A model for analyzing aircraft maintenance man-hour costs and the impact of expert systems”, Schanz, Keith E. Monterey,
California. Naval Postgraduate School, 1995