Technical Bulletin
Designing a Dual Stage Vent
with De
For good pressure equalization and appropriate
1. Using your design criteria for temperature
change over time for normal venting
operation, the size of the vented enclosure,
and your enclosure’s designed maximum
pressure, use the Airflow vs. Pressure graph to
determine which venting material best fits
your needs. Higher airflow enables better
2. Use the Deflection vs. Pressure graph to find
the deflection of your chosen vent material
from Step 1, and your enclosure designed
maximum pressure to predict your burst pin
placement, less than the predicted deflection.
3. Test your design.
You have a 10-liter enclosure that will normally see
a 27 C temperature change over an hour, and your
enclosure can withstand .5 kPa pressure. You will
need 1 liter/hr airflow ( 10 liters x 27/273 C).
Step 1: DeWAL® DW232PA-10 will allow 1liter/hr
airflow without exceeding the .5 kPa maximum.
Step 2: DeWAL® DW232PA-10 will deflect by 3mm
(in a 38mm diameter vent). The burst pin should
be placed closer than 3mm to the membrane.
The information contained in this Technical Bulletin is intended to assist you in designing with Rogers’ Elastomeric
is not
intended to
and does not create
warranties, express or implied, including any
warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or that the
results shown in this application note will be achieved by a user for a particular purpose. The user should determine the suitability of Rogers
Elastomeric Material Solutions for each applicatio
n. The Rogers and DeWAL logos and DeWAL are trademarks of Rogers Corporatio n or one of
subsidiaries. © 2022 Rogers Corporation. All rights reserved. 0322-PDF Publication #175-197