This ESG Showcase was commissioned by Dell Technologies and is distributed under license from ESG.
© 2021 by The Enterprise Strategy Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Market Landscape
ESG conducted custom research
for Dell Technologies to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges that IT
professionals face in protecting their on-prem VM environments, whether those environments are rapidly growing or are
already very large in size. Findings (see Figure 1) show that data protection has become a major functional pain point
related to VM deployments, with multiple data protection mechanisms often being used to protect them.
Figure 1. Top Data Protection Challenges in Large VM Deployments
Source: Enterprise Strategy Group
Source: ESG Research Insights Paper commissioned by Dell Technologies, Data Protection Trends in Virtual Environments, February 2020. All ESG
research references and charts in this showcase have been taken from this custom research, unless otherwise noted.
Cost control/reduction
Ease of management
Increasing automation/operational
Protecting VMs and data
IT staff skill sets
At the highest level, what pain points or areas of challenge is your organization working to
eliminate or reduce when it comes to its existing VM environment? (Percent of respondents,
N=300, multiple responses accepted)
Protection is the number one
functional challenge to be
resolved when it comes to VMs.
Modernizing VM Backup at Scale without
Compromisewith Dell Technologies
Date: August 2021 Authors: Christophe Bertrand, Senior Analyst; and Monya Keane, Senior Research Analyst
ABSTRACT: VM snapshots have been available for data protection purposes for many years. But until now, alternative
approaches amounted to “band aids.” They could not meet all the requirements of scaling with performance, forcing
organizations to accept tradeoffs. That is why Dell Technologies, based on extensive customer feedback, has developed a
new technology that integrates with VMware products called Transparent Snapshotssimplifying the way that rapidly
growing VMs can be protected at scale in today’s highly transactional, data-intensive workload environments.
Enterprise Strategy Group | Getting to the bigger truth.
Showcase: Modernizing VM Backup at Scale without Compromisewith Dell Technologies 2
© 2021 by The Enterprise Strategy Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The backup environment itself is the reason many organizations are missing their data protection SLAs. Fifty-three percent
of the respondents to this research survey reported that their backup environments are most often the root cause of
RTO/RPO failures. Clearly, organizations need to do a better job fixing the avoidable causes behind those missed SLAs.
Although virtualization-specific backup methodologies have been on the market for many years, backup and recovery
success is still not a sure thing. Respondents reported that, on average, they can only backup and restore 77% of on-
premises VMs successfully (i.e., backups finish without errors, and VMs and associated workloads can be restored).
Disruptive backups can cause significant problems for critical applications and processes across an entire business. Until
now, most VM backup technologies have proven to be too limited for large-scale or rapidly growing VM environments. The
result is that IT organizations have been forced to accept tradeoffs, which ultimately leads to negative consequences in
terms of operational efficiency.
Dell Technologies recognized the obvious need to revisit existing data protection options for VM deployments and
developed technology to bridge this gap. The result is improved key performance indicators, reliably protected VMs, and
better supported business processes at a real-world level.
Why Traditional VM Backup Methods Fall Short
When VMware first introduced virtual machines, everybody was backing them up using a physical agent-based backup
approach. Then, in 2009, VMware came out with VADP (VMware APIs for Data Protection). That advancement enabled
image-based backups with dynamic policies.
Since 2009, however, there hadnt been a lot of innovation in regard to protecting VMs. Everybodys still leveraging the
same APIs to do image-based backups. This is unfortunate, considering the fact that data in VM-based workloads has
grown rampantly.
Some organizations tried to leverage snapshot-based protection via storage array integration, but they still faced
challenges related to maintaining acceptable performance at scale. Cost issues and management difficulties arose. Other
organizations tried leveraging journaling/continuous data protection (CDP) technologies to meet their tight SLAs. That
approach narrowed their operational recovery windows. And of course, CDP can be an expensive process.
The bottom line is that organizations maintaining big or fast-growing VMware environments have trouble backing up large
numbers of VMs and large individual VMs. Notably, the mission-critical VMs these organizations are trying to protect with
legacy technology such as VADP are predominantly on-premises. Regardless, it makes little sense today to use the same
technology that existed more than ten years ago to do backups and still hope to meet SLA windows. Its why organizations
have found themselves faced with what seems like an impossible data protection trade off: Either compromise production
performance, or give up on meeting established backup-related service-level metrics.
Companies tend to run into backup-window issues when their VM environments grow large … or grow fast. That’s because
they are now doing lots of deltas (i.e., backing up changed data). Performance issues in the production environment often
ensue. The performance-impact problem has become so severe that many organizations have been forced to revert to
less-granular agent-based backup, getting away from image-based VADP backup. But then, they lose their dynamic
policies. They’re essentially back to using an approach not from 2009, but 2003.
That’s one of the reasons why it is such a promising development that Dell Technologies has figured out how to help
organizations avoid performance impacts to their environments, yet still achieve a remarkably simpler, far less obtrusive
way to do image-based backups and granular-level recoveriesall at a massive scale.